Ch. 4: Decisions

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 4: Decisions

The next morning, Kiara woke to the sound of light breathing. She felt odd with an unknown weight pressed against her body and her mattress felt much softer until she realised that she wasn't sleeping on the mattress on the floor and she wasn't alone. She rolled to her side gently and smiled, facing Fred whose arm was laid across her waist. His eyes were closed as he slept peacefully, his mouth slightly ajar.

She didn't want to wake him; he seemed so serene. Instead, she sat there, admiring his features. The outline of his jaw, the light freckles that splashed his cheeks which weren't obvious unless you were close up and the messy red hair that fell over the pillow.

"Mooooorning," A voice called out loudly, dragging out the word. Kiara groaned, rolling over and glaring at a smirking George who was lying on his stomach, with his head propped up by his hands. He was almost sitting like a child who was watching television from the floor, with his legs moving up and down in the air.

"I don't want to hear it," Kiara muttered darkly with golden eyes. She was annoyed by his mocking voice.

"Really? You both looked so peaceful, sleeping in the same bed. You know that you're sharing this bedroom now, right?"

Fred began to stir at George's taunting voice. "George, will you shut up? Before you wake him up."

"I'd say make me, but I'll let you do that for my brother," George teased, jumping to his feet. Kiara exhaled in frustration. "Better hurry up, the Delacours are arriving soon and you know what mum is like. She'll be storming this room any minute to make sure everyone is decent. Well, not everyone." And he disappeared with a crack, a smug look on his face.

"Honestly, if it's not one, it's the other," Kiara huffed angrily. She softly smiled at Fred who unknowingly inched his body closer towards hers. Without disturbing Fred, she slipped out of his bed and pulled the blanket back over him. He smiled slightly in his sleep as she kissed his cheek after changing into some respectable clothes that Mrs Weasley would approve of before walking out of the bedroom.

Mrs Weasley was nowhere to be found, which meant that she was probably downstairs making breakfast or cleaning the house spotless for Fleur's family. "Good morning, Kiara," Hermione said chirpily as she walked out of Ginny's room, wearing a peach blouse and jeans. "Are you coming down for breakfast?"

"Yeah, I-," She paused for a minute, listening intently to the quiet sounds of Harry and Ron's voices upstairs. She couldn't make out their words but they sounded awake and by the sounds of the thuds, they were almost ready to join them for breakfast. "Actually, I need to speak to you."

"Of course but... Now? Fleur's family are arriving soon."

"It can't wait," Kiara insisted. "And, I need to tell Harry and Ron as well."

"Well, you can tell them separately afterwards, if you like."

"No, we're going to talk about it now, if that's okay."

Hermione gaped at her, her eyes wide with fear. "Oh... No, we mustn't. Mrs Weasley isn't happy about the three of us talking in private. She thinks we're planning."

"I know, but this can't wait," Kiara waved a dismissing hand. "Come on, she's busy with breakfast so we might be able to get away with it." She grabbed Hermione's wrist and pulled her upstairs towards Ron's room on the top floor of the Burrow. Without knocking, she pushed open the door.

"Sorry, Mrs Weasley, we're coming-," Harry yelped, pulling a sock onto his foot briskly. He stopped when he noticed the two girls standing there. "What are you two doing?"

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