Ch. 13: The Send-Off

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"Kiara Cartier."

Chapter 13: The Send-Off

Fred, George and Kiara arrived at the Burrow on the 1st of September at 10 o'clock in the morning. Mrs Weasley's eyes watered at the sight of her sons and Kiara, instinctively pulling them into tight hugs. "My children! Are you okay? Have you been safe?"

"We sent you a letter this morning, mum," Fred reminded her, kissing his mother's cheek. "The Death Eaters haven't visited since that time after the wedding."

It was true. They were very fortunate that they hadn't been harassed or interrogated since Dolohov and Rowle last visited. While they didn't openly discuss it, they were all very much aware that dark hooded figures were becoming an increasing presence in Diagon Alley. Snatchers were beginning to approach and question their customers when they entered or left the store, demanding proof of their magical heritage.

"And Kiara, dear, your disguise is wonderful!" Kiara smiled, touching her freshly coloured hair. Ivy retouched her roots a few days earlier, obscuring the blonde hairs from view before they became too noticeable. During their appointment, Kiara spent a considerable amount of time talking about her alleged wedding with her fake husband. Fred was scowling the entire time whilst George was grinning but didn't say anything, remembering Fred's threats that he will chop off his other ear. To Kiara's delight, Ivy announced that she was much busier and her shop had been getting more and more popular. Little did Ivy know, Fred and George magically sent out fliers to the residents in Castle Park, promoting her small hair salon. "I'm so glad to see that my other daughter is safe," Mrs Weasley exclaimed, hugging her once more. George sniggered at her comment.

"She's not your daughter yet, mum!"

"Will you shut up?" Fred grumbled, smacking his brother's head. Kiara quickly changed the subject, feeling her cheeks heat up.

"Where is Ginny?"

"She is upstairs in her room, dear," Mrs Weasley said, fixing a basket of freshly baked blueberry muffins. "I think she is finishing off before you leave."

"I'll go see if she needs any help," Kiara said quietly but Fred and George didn't even respond. They were too preoccupied with eating the muffins that their mother was offering, as if they hadn't eaten scrambled eggs for breakfast earlier that morning.

Kiara knocked on Ginny's bedroom door, hearing her soft "come in!"

"Hey Gin," Kiara said, smiling at the red-head.

"Kiara!" Ginny cried, slightly breathless from the running around of last-minute packing. "I hardly recognised you." As well as her hair colour, the night before, Kiara applied a fresh coat of tan, knowing that there will be Death Eaters at Kings Cross station, hoping that they will be able to catch any muggleborns or even more ideal, Harry and Kiara. "How on earth did you managed to get your hair long again? Magic?"

"Actually, I have a Muggle hairdresser," Kiara smiled. "It's a tedious effort but it works. She's great. And, we found Muggle contacts and some self-tanning lotion at a shop. It's been a success so far." Kiara stared at Ginny for a moment, noticing the slight bags under her eyes. "Are you okay, Gin?"

"Have you heard from them?" Ginny murmured. Kiara knew who she was referring to without even asking.

"I haven't heard anything but they're in hiding. They wouldn't risk exposing themselves by sending a letter. Harry's done this before, Ginny. Dumbledore told him what to do so he's not going through this blind. We all need to have faith in them," Kiara assured, rubbing her friend's shoulder comfortingly.

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