The Dilemma of Eldia

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August 29, 2259

Today, has been a monumental day, for today, we have freed Eldia from the clutches of their corrupt and indolent monarchy.
The coup has succeeded, and it is time that we bring our primitive brethren to the true cusp of a modern, united humanity.

Yet some still resist our rule, such as those sympathetic and loyal to the Church of the Walls, those who harbor sentiment to the old Empire, and those aligned with the ideals of the true Eldian royal family, wounding a now tired Eldian populace, who have temporarily placed their faith in us for now, yet are still extremely suspicious of our intentions and actions.

However, with the formalization of the United Nations Mandate of the Eldian State, these wounds will be slowly healed through the course of time.

The Development Director has been hard at work at both stabilizing and modernizing the region, and dealing with new insurgents and terrorists, and with a corrupt military bureaucracy and a currency that has not been standardized or centralized at all, ensuring the safety, stability, and security of Eldia will take some time, and a significant amount of effort.

But with the backing of an interstellar union of nations possessing a formidable military and a massive international economy, the United Nations will bless Eldia with enough resources to bring up this dilapidated and outdated nation to become a considerable contender once the UN introduces itself to this world's stage.

For now, a more efficient district representation system is in the works, and the effective procurement of officers, workers, and officials who are actually competent and less corrupt is now being implemented, and plans are being made for economic integration and development, as well as infrastructure buildup and the establishment of basic public services.

All of the titans that had been roaming around the island and those that had breached the walls have all been eliminated and neutralized following multiple firebombing campaigns and MTF Battalion-Unit Operations that have successfully killed all of them, with the last of them being evaporated by NTR (Napalm-Type Rendered) bombs in a large forest. 

Titan research and study has continued following the agreed cooperation with Eren Jaeger, and his guaranteed safety.
Most titans on Paradis have already been neutralized or captured, with the transport of a mobile facility being utilized to serve as their containment compound and research facility.
A certain commander from the Survey Corps named Hange Zoe has presented a key interest in the research of titans, and has been temporarily assigned as a research assistant due to her enthusiasm and already wide knowledge in Titans.

A current military reorganization is in the works in order to purge corruption and nepotism, particularly in the Garrison and Military Police, with the UN-mandate also keen on improving their professionalism and morale.

A deal has been made following the discovery of Marley's warrior titans that had been hiding within the Eldian military, with plans to secure their families and deceive the Marleyan military of their current progress, though inevitably, the United Nations Space Alliance will have to introduce themselves on Artheit's world stage.
For now, a silent nanotech weapon has been attached to them without their knowledge, should they decide to betray the Solar Allied Treaty Organization.

With the buildup of intelligence networks still ongoing within the other nations, SATO has used nanotech bugs to keep an eye on key officials and persons of interest in the rest of the planet's governments and nations.
Contingency plans have already been made should any sudden scenario occur, along with invasion plans that are still in the works due to a lack of intelligence within the other nations.

However, there are still many holes within the UN's new mandate, such as its rushed nature, and current public opinion being quite negative about the overall operation, along with the UN's own unchecked criminal and corrupt elements that may cause some unexpected events that could hamper the stabilization of Eldia.
While most nations may continue to support this endeavor, some of their citizens do not, but with the Council holding enough executive power and support to overrule any decision to halt or obstruct aid to Eldia, there remains enough will and interest from the higher-ups to continue their integration of Paradis

But only time will tell whether or not the stabilization of Eldia will be successful, either through the full support of its people, or through the force of arms.

In time, this centuries-long feud fueled by pure genocidal and historical hatred will know the nature of far worse conflicts compared to their petty and insolent war.
Their hypocrisy of utilizing titans while openly galvanizing their populations against them is disgusting, along with the horrors they commit against those who were left behind a century ago.
While it may be a different horrifying experience to be eaten alive by gigantic humanoids, Earth and her people have faced far, far worse in the face of the stars and of the seas of space, and there are twenty billion people and counting to stand as testament to what humanity has had to face in order to have advanced up to this point.

We will let them be for now until we are able to muster and prop up the New Eldian State, but one way or another, the United Nations, and the rest of humanity will punish these hypocrites and fools.

To Unity, To Humanity, To Democracy!

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