Tides of War

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"And thus, the United Terran Federation will soon find itself in both great moral dilemmas, interstellar conflicts, and coming wars. New developments and incoming wars will truly test their resilience, and their ability to utilize the gifts I have given them. Time will tell with the Crisis of the Earths upon us, and prove their worth soon enough."

-Zagrev Mornari
November 29, 2264
The United Terran Federation has seen more developments as the days and weeks go by, and it seems that nothing will stop her from achieving full prosperity, and a new incoming era of enlightenment, economic boom, and militarization.

Recently, a naval and military exercise was performed with the cooperation of the Terran Federal Armed Forces, Klaxosaur Directorate, and Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant.
With ties being further strengthened after the Elderiani System military drills and exercises, trade has now been fully opened up as the 3 nations develop even closer ties with each other.

Markets were flooded with thousands of exotic goods and other products, as new regulations, a standardized currency exchange rate, and new opportunities for industries and companies from each country to further cooperate.

2 more Terrus crusades were launched into the Northern Planet Clusters and Southeastern Star Systems, as the Federation continues their policy of massive expansion.
The Terran Federal Council began a major political and industrial effort to revamp all industries as well, with new trade regulations being set up with their allies in the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization, and encouraged more people to enlist in the Terran Federal Armed Forces, by use of propaganda, as well as a further improvement in salaries, benefits, and operating conditions, as they slightly wanted to expand active military forces.
With more technologies coming in as well, the military also continues to begin refits with shielding technology and Scrior warheads as well.
The military has also now been somewhat used to AN-DM4, with most soldiers still in training, but with a sizeable amount combat ready. The Intelligence Department has also had their fair share of opportunities, as agents have now fully started to master their shapeshifting and Blood Demon Arts abilities.
C8 Units have also received a new major addition to them. With the new addition of a repulsor pack on their backs and a flexible one on their boots with repulsorlifts as well, including an addition of retractable wheels, their mobility has now greatly increased, even rivaling that of the most advanced Knightmare. Although seen as a copy or imitation, what sets them apart from normal knightmares is that they possess shielding, heavy armoring, fixed weapons, extremely advanced features capable of easily overpowering a Sutherland or Glasgow, and can slightly hover as well.

Multiple scientific exchanges and conventions, as well as an exchange program of scientists and advisors were introduced between the nations to further integrate each other's technologies.
The Ascendant also celebrated the anniversary of their Vishtinier's return, which somewhat emphasized greater cooperation and trade with the United Terran Federation.

The Federation also divulged all documents of anomalies to their allies, as they also began to encounter new problems with anomalous objects and creatures as they expand outward.

They also introduced Zagrev to Vishtinier Nelekus Xantri and the Klaxosaur Princess, who were quite surprised of his feats and potentials, and treated him like royalty, as he himself guaranteed full support and protection to both their nations.
All in all, the future of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization seems to be one of economic prosperity, greater relations, cooperation, and more militarization.

However, the Federation also seems to have encountered another civilization as they continue exploration.
Their first encounter came when some mining drones seemed to have strayed off course, and discovered an unknown vessel near the Zuukan System.
Weeks later, the Federation established diplomatic contact with the Nuskhrat-Ril Commonwealth as a conference was held in a neutral moon.

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