War Upon All

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"The Federation is at war. The Ravernals have decided to call upon our might, and we shall respond with the greatest force we will muster. With gifts from the Nekeshans, and our super soldiers at the ready, they will feel the might of the United Terran Federation."

-Grand Admiral Xavier Oraneus
February 3, 2264
5 months. Despite only 5 months having passed, the United Terran Federation has undergone major developments and changes to her people, government, and state.
The Terran identity was now truly adopted for a united humanity. No longer were there any Americans or Chinese, but only Terrans existed. Cultural and linguistic barriers were dissolved through guises of everyday events and the ever-changing state of the Federation.

People were feeling less shock when it came to random events such as planet-wide transferences and anomalous occurrences.
Through gradual conditioning and acceptance, the people, no matter how peculiar an occurrence or object, the people only held feelings of normality and integration.

Average citizens held not a single notion of xenophobia, especially after the Federation and the Kingdom ever so increased their relations excellently, with opinions of each other being highly positive and superb.

The military, now with newfound shielding technology capable of withstanding and shrugging off nukes, nanotechnology capable of instantly repairing on the battlefields passively or actively, and nuclear technology able to rid itself of radiation, they launched the Vaylus Reformation Program.
It was a refit of all technologies in military and civilian aspects. Since their railgun cannons could not even fathom of shattering the Nekeshan shielding, they were to begin refitting missiles and shells with Scrior warheads.
Any equipment possessing shields were refitted with new shielding technology, making even the lowliest of soldiers capable of withstanding a nuclear blast.

Propulsion technology was also given a major boost, tripling a ships' atmospheric speed, and refits were beginning to be implemented.

The Damascus Project was launched, designed to use nanotechnology to perform instant repairs on ships, equipment, and even soldiers' armor. This would, in turn however make battles turn possibly into slugfests, but since there was no imminent threat of civil war, notions of their own tech being used against them were ignored.
In conjunction with the mass production, distribution, and retraining with AN-DM4, the Federation will soon find itself an army indestructible and with power, infinite in its prowess, but honorable in their tactics and conditions.

Relations also continue to improve, as the United Terran Federation and the Nekeshans continue to be friendly with each other. The Imperials are already colonizing and returning to more systems as they hasten rebuilding their planets and wills. The King pursues an amicable relationship with the Federation, as technological and cultural sharing initiatives, as well as military exercises are planned to take place.

The concept of planetary shielding is also introduced, as the Ascendant gives the Federation schematics on how to achieve their own planetary shields, which will prove useful in avoiding civilian casualties over ships or debris falling.

The referendum for civilian use of AN-DM4 also came in. Most were in favor of instead giving a less dangerous variant, such as one instead used for disease and poison immunity. Regeneration and increased physical attributes were decided to be far too dangerous should it fall into criminal hands.
(Code Geass)
The massacres of the Japanese were something that put the Federation at extreme odds. Satellite imagery and intelligence reports found of the horrible living conditions after the Brittanian invasion of Japan and their takeover. The former Japanese Emperor and the Federal Secretary General condemned the actions of the Brittanians.

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