From the Stars

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"The League is dead. Long live the United Nations."
-Viscount Robert Cecil
(A/N) For those who don't want to have to calculate it, it has been 19 months and 21 days since we left off in the last chapter. In the story's timeline of course.
"How much do you think humanity has lost over the eons, Wilhelm?"

"How much more do we have to sacrifice?"

"Just as much, if not, maybe more."

"How many times have you tried, Precillius?"

"Too many."

"Then this will be the last."

"I can't make promises, my boy".

"No. But we can make sacrifices, not just for our sake."

"Do you think they'll be able to reclaim the mantle?"

"They have to. They will. I will."

This is our one last chance for redemption, Precil. Humanity will succeed, or die trying

Time: 2263, May 23, 8:45 AM UN IST

The wounds may have healed... but the scars the remain.
Humanity may have rebuilt, but she has not fully healed.

The Settlement War eclipsed the most devastating conflict humanity had suffered by ten-, no- by a hundredfold.
Two fucking decades, and tens of billions of souls were snuffed, thousands of cities flattened, and dozens of worlds devastated.

A tragedy, an atrocity... a waste.

Sides should have been picked, and lines should have been drawn, but the United Nations stayed complacent, and everyone had to pay the price. When the first uprisings began on Cerynor, and the first ships began to "disappear" from the 89th and 12th Fleets, the Council should have known what was coming.

Instead, a price was paid in blood, until the revolution perverted and defiled was finally quashed, and the fanatics who corrupted its ideals brought to justice.
And a miracle bloomed, for within a few years, humanity had fully rebuilt, and now, finally eager and willing to learn from its mistakes.

Yet now, standing at a precipice, vital decisions must be made to save the United Nations.
He who leads her has been revealed to be one beyond a human. Though still bound by blood and service, William has been questioned, and the populace still seeks answers.
Answers that he, woefully cannot yet give to humanity, for if he did, the nations would wage war upon another once again, and humanity forced to bleed itself once more.

All the while a crisis begins to brew at Atrios, and the calls to dismantle the Federation, and unite the nation grow louder and louder.
Terra has beckoned, and humanity grows closer and closer to heeding her call.

Humanity grows further divided.

The recent Council elections have yielded results that have long been coming...
Out of the 21,945 representative on the United Nations Council, now sit upon them, 17,834 representatives hailing from the Terran National Federalist Coalition.
The seat of the Secretary-General, however, still firmly remains in the place of Harthal's ass, with 187,592,380,185 people voting to keep the eccentric, and now potentially metahuman politician within his position, out of the 225,381,592,094 of the populace who voted.

Already, the new reality is dawning on the United Nations. With the Federation's recent successes in its recent war in Atrios, and its continued expansion and development, the Federalist Coalition's promises to dismantle the United Nations and unite humanity under a single banner, and William's declarations supporting Terran unification policies may see an end to the status quo, and bring about the liberation of the Terran malaise.

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