A New Beginning; The Start of Act 2

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"Great nations are often made by great men. But it is in the fiery landscape of war in which a superpower, hyperpower, or notable civilization can begin to call itself a truly great nation. All must stand the test of conflict should they wish to dominate the Galaxy. Many have already faltered, but we will not."
-The Terran High Chancellor

Within 10 years, the UNSA, and humanity has seen major changes that have now lead to the formation of the United Terran Federation.
From facing planetary transferences, continental shenanigans, anomalous catastrophes, gigantic man-eating humanoids called "Titans", humans able to manipulate the elements, a planet somehow possessing magic and fictional creatures, as well as an ancient empire, rabid demons and demon slayers, a god-like reality bender who calls himself the Precursor pledging to always ensure their safety, a species that have now become one of their most valuable allies, Gods who tried to challenge them, an alternate past-version of themselves, a steampunk Nazi Germany, a victorious Axis in WW2(unrelated to the last one), a fallen empire, and many, many events and occurrences which threatened their stability, yet have been pacified or are being dealt with.

After forming an economic and military pact called the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization with the Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant, the Nuskhrat-Ril Commonwealth, the Klaxosaur Directorate, the Zukraltan Empire, and the Uigurian Federal Republic, their economies have seen great expansion, their technological prowess grows, and their fleets continue to expand and fight hostile empires within the expanse of space.

Now fighting together against the Viltrumite Empire, they stand to liberate the subjugated races against the tyranny of xenophobic humanoids, and increase their prosperity and cooperation.
Having visited the Galactic community, they remain unsure whether to involve themselves within it due to the uncooperative and brutish natures within the millions, or perhaps even billions of alien empires that exist within their galaxy.

From now on, and for the centuries to come, and to pass, the story of the United Terran Federation and their rise to Galactic dominance will be told through not the eyes of the United Nations Space Alliance, but through the perspectives of Terra.
Make no mistake however, for the nation is still in its infancy, but soon, they will fight against the Unbidden, and ensure the safety of the Galaxy.

They shall fight against the Galactic Empire, the Covenant, and the many more threats that will arise within their Galaxy.
Terra shall stand as a beacon of hope, and will rise to prominence with time.
Their fanatic xenophilic beliefs shall safeguard against the xenophobic empires that dare threaten any sentient life within the Galaxy, as humanity was never meant to explore the stars alone, nor exclude those who wish themselves to become a Terran.
For the xenos who become part of her, fight and live for beliefs of equality for all races, and the prosperity of the Galaxy.

While humanity has burnt their history to the ground to start anew as hundreds of historical archives are deleted and artifacts destroyed, it is a necessary evil to free them from the shackles of their predecessors and have them travel the Expanse of Space without the identity of nation-states dividing them once more.
Yet while she burns her history to the ground, her culture is still held deeply into the hearts, identities, and minds of every Terran. Dozens of languages still exist, the Gregorian Calendar is still in use, and many old cultures are still integral in the life of a daily Terran.

Guided and guarded by the Precursor, she stands at the ready for any Galaxy-ending threat and and with her mastery of the anomalous, not even the most confusing of occurrences and occult rituals will hold them back from knowing what truly rolls behind the scenes.

Her knowledge of the multiverse makes her humble, and satisfies her knowing that hers is the Absolution of which every other divergence is made. Every single choice, while either insignificant or significant still holds great power within the creation of another alternate reality.
While the Universe is stable, she and her allies are prepared for any interdimensional threat that was to come, and fight whatever skewed or alternate versions of themselves should they be forced to do so.

She shall know when it is time to integrate the xenos who will eventually yearn to identify as a Terran, but it shall still be a long time before this will follow.
She shall battle against thousands of alien empires and fanatic purifiers, but no matter what she faces, never shall they fall.
Terra shall face her darkest hours and brightest days, with darkening moments and honorable achievements, but no matter what she faces, she will never fall.

And thus, let it be known that a new beginning has commenced within the rise of the United Terran Federation.
Let it be known that she will face the Unbidden, eldritch abominations, and ancient empires, and no matter the hardship she will face, they will still stand through the dust and dusk of what remains.
Let it be known, that the Galaxy's first hyperpower shall be born from a disunited species first filled with strife and conflict within a singular planet, but eventually...
The Galaxy will eventually see total prosperity come, and the very first victory against the Unbidden within the Universe.

Glory to Terra. She stands prepared for those who dare challenge their might, as her people united, her fleets at the ready, her armies eager for war, and her industry prepared for conflict to last even a hundred, even a thousand years.

Many will battle against her, but all will fall.

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