The Coming Shitstorm

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"I see. I guess fate be so kind that you finally decided to apologize. Well have no worries, because I have no reason to kill you. But do keep your "Empire" on a tight leash, else the Federation might result accidentally destroying them."

-Zagrev to Hardy
March 13, 2263
With many events having occurred in the past 5 months, the United Terran Federation has seen many changes in its policies and affairs.
Most citizens were now accustomed to any anomalous possibility or occurrence, with many showing signs of optimism and satisfaction with the integrations of the anomalous and current government services, responses, and regulations in ensuring stability and avoiding chaos. They also accepted the fact that the multiverse existed, and their universe was one in which very other derived from through any different choice or event's outcome.
Continental transferences, gigantic beasts, random unstable events, and anything anomalous was itself considered to just be part of the Terran lifestyle.

Any sense of xenophobia against a possible alien species was nonexistent. They were more open to any alien life of civilization should they encounter any, no matter their advancements or appearances.

The Terran identity was also being cemented in everyday life. Most people now no longer identify as a multi-national ethnicity, such as those of an American, Chinese, or Egyptian, but now fully embrace the national identity of a united humanity as a Terran.
Recent government services, companies, ministries, and the TFAF were also now fully integrated and revamped, with many having changed their names, assignments, and merges with other ministries and federal departments.

The Council also recently announced their findings of an advanced and unknown alien civilization, and decided to send a small delegation escorted by a fleet, and along with it carried all artifacts that they had found to be of similar design to the civilization.
When their fleet entered the system of the aliens, it was hailed by a gigantic ship. The unknown xenos called themselves "Nekeshans" and questioned the purpose of the delegation.
When they cited their purpose, hoping to establish relations, they were denied entry

A few weeks later, however, the United Terran Federation would find itself a new ally, over which the course of careful and decisive actions they took led to the founding of a great relationship with the Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant. 
Humanity found itself drawing the longest straw. 

The artifacts they found turned to hold great emotional importance to the Ascendants. 
The Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant was a nation governed by a sort of enlightened monarchy, whom the people revered and respected. Their history was unfolded when the cryostasis chamber was revealed and shown to the fallen empire.

Long before humanity, but eons after the Red War stood 2 nations who ruled a large part of a small region within the galaxy. The Imperial Ascendant and the Farellian Empire. Both of these empires held massive swathes of territory, military, population, numbers only humanity could only dream of.
The Nekeshanus was known to be authoritarian but peaceful and xenophile, more economically powerful with a massive military guarding their borders. Their leaders called "Vishtinier" within their language, were revered like gods, because no matter their age, appearance or bloodline, every single one ruled the  greatly, and led their civilization to golden ages and great eras of peace and prosperity.
Their technologies, hundreds of thousands more advanced than the greatest the Federation could muster, yet they did not subjugate, but peacefully cooperated and traded with smaller galactic nations, no matter their power of status.

However, the Farellian Empire was the opposite. They were a xenophobic race who despised everything they deemed unworthy of existence. They rivaled the Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant in terms of military, technology, and population.
It was inevitable that war would break out between the two.
Eventually it resulted in the full, pure destruction of their nations, leaving them as dilapidated husks rotting in their last star systems.
They were demoralized, tired, and close to the brink of extinction.
That was until the United Terran Federation came.

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