More Details (AOT/ATLA)

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Ok so some people might wonder what's up with the new AOT world or on Avatar

AOT World Details
Designation: Semi-Colony
SATO and the UNSA currently own large swathes of land such as places like North America (except it's not really North America). Hizuru is transitioning as a member state of the UNSA. Technology exports are 22nd century stuff. Eldia is a client state. It is somewhat a colony but people have more rights and it is like a minor member of the UNSA.

The Mid-East alliance is on friendly terms with the UNSA and civilian technology exports are given free access to the Mid-East. What is Eren doing now? Well he, along with Armin, Mikasa, Connie, Sasha are soldiers in the first division of the Eldian army. Historia is the queen after Rod Reiss was deposed. Erwin is a colonel and Pyxis is a general. The walls remain untouched since there were titans in them. Eren and Ymir underwent titan extraction surgery, wherein their spines were replaced and their titan forms were kept away.

Nation Details
Hizuru is currently transitioning into the UNSA as a commissariat. Their opinions of the UNSA is mainly positive, with the shogun voicing support, and mainly wishing to become a part of the UNSA.
Government: Controlled by a Shogun
Population: 78 million
Military: 780,000 soldiers
Technology level: 22nd century, transitioning to space travel

Eldia sort of works as a commissariat to the UNSA due to their heavy reliance on food and imports from them. They are protected by SATO.
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 12 million
Military: 3,000 soldiers
Technology levels: 22nd century, military is cold-war era due to technological gap.

The Mid-East Alliance has an amicable relationship with the UNSA.
Government: Confederacy
Population: 50 million
Military: 1.2 million
Technology level: WW1 Era

UNSA-Marley relations are currently peaceful, but more attempts at reconciliation are being made. For Bertholdt, Annie, and Reiner, think 4-year time skip. 

So currently, Aang's new nation is officially called the New United Republic . The northern and southern water tribes are being reconstructed. More civilian technology is exported , but weapons tech was banned. The Fire Nation is under control of Zuko, but shifted to a form of constitutional monarchy. UR is a democracy. The Earth Kingdom is still the Earth Kingdom. Science on bending concluded that only people born on Aavacaria can bend. Many locals have been recruited to join SATO Peacekeeping Forces and military for better conditions. Fire Nation war criminals were imprisoned on "Alaves" Maximum Security Prison built on an undisclosed island. The white lotus serves as peacekeeping forces as well as assistants to the avatar. 

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