Farewell, Dear Earth

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"There can only be one Terra."
-High Chancellor William Harthal
Fuck it. The previous chapter's format was way too confusing and complicated for me, and made it harder to follow events between different parts. I'm bringing back the old format, and separating the arcs again.
January 10, 2271
For as long as the symbols of the old humanity, the old nations and kingdoms of Earth, and memories of the United Nations existed, the Terran Federation can never be reborn.
For as long as there remained the memories of when humanity was divided between dozens of nations on a single planet, there can be no rebirth for the Guardians of Terra.

Earth has persisted and remained resistant within the minds of the people, mockingly reminding us of how the United States, the Soviet Union, and whatever backward nations existed holding humanity from their true potential, while backstabbing and slaughtering millions of their own kind while they laughed and watched from the sidelines in view of the superiority over their race of over a redundant physical appearance over all.
The bastion of the United Terran Federation cannot be allowed to appear as symbol of defiance against our acceptance of all xenos, from those who live with us and those who exist within the edges of the Galaxy.

It was time to turn the symbol of the origins of our nation that shall soon become a Galactic Hyperpower into a symbol where one would have no trouble relating to.
A citadel, a utopia...

No, an ecumenopolis!

The bastion of our nation shall soon become the symbol of our pride, for even those who have grown far too distant to relate with Terra shall awe upon the new wonder we have built.
Already, tens of millions of rock, of steel, and material have begun to be diverted to rebuild the symbol of our Federation, and of our might.

Terra shall become a world that shall rival all who oppose us. It shall become a beacon upon which even the dimmest lights can be seem shining above from the stars.
She shall be laid upon with hundreds of districts and cities with the busling dozens of metropolises that shall be created, provided with the oxygen and sustenance she needs from the lower levels of surface.
Many shall admire Terra for her greatness as the shining beacon of our empire, for perhaps when this Arcology Project is finished, perhaps even dozens of billions of sentients can call it a new home once more.

Of course, our allies have reacted with great jubilation, and the Nekeshans, whose capital world is an ecumenopolis itself, have given us massive aid, plans, advisors, and advice on how to build an ecumenopolis world themselves.
The Nuskhrat-Ril Commonwealth, the New Zukraltan Republic, the Klaxosaur Directorate, the Uigurian Federal Republic, and the Xalavian People's Republic have also given the Terran Federal Council congratulations on their construction and revamping of Terra.
Project Terralia itself has also been adopted in the construction of the ecumenopolis as well.

However, the wonders and megastructures of the Federation must not be ignored.
Our 12 Strategic Coordination Centers have finally been utilized to their fullest potential, with better experts and advisors being brought in to efficiently operate them, and increase our naval and interstellar capacity to ensure Terran Naval Supremacy
The 8 New Artificial Habitats have also been finished, and interestingly, the Confederation has requested one of them to be loaned for a place to accept Xarukhean refugees displaced from the war. It was essentially to be sort of leased out to the Qualdenorians, and 4 decades had been given to pay the Terrans back, though with their strengthened economy from the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization, it seems that their debt will not be a problem.
The remaining artificial habitats have instead been assigned to the Central Solar System, and the concept of new megastructure constructs have also been brought up in the Construction and Research Branches of the Federation, such as espionage and mapping spaceports called Sentry Arrays, a massive scientific research structure in space called a Science Nexus, and a Mega Art Installation to display Terran culture and art within the Solar System.

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