Multiversal Maladies (Man in the High Castle)

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"Would it be better to knock, or to just kick the door down? "
-Werner Harthal, Chairman of the Greater Terran National Federalist Armed Front
June 4th, 2265
New national focuses, new compromises, new solutions, greater cooperation, economic boom, militarization, and war is what has marked the 8 months that have passed in the United Terran Federation, within her territories, citizens, allies, and enemies.
The government and the council has been hard at work strengthening the ideals, fundamentals, systems, and their own strengths in the Terran Federation, with foreign policy being heavily reshaped as more of the galaxy is continued to be explored.
Doctrines on anomalous events and thousands of contingency plans have been established as the anomalies of the Universe show no signs of stopping.

By cementing feelings of national pride in their anomalous artifacts and occurrences, effectiveness in dealing with anomalous occurrences and situations has increased significantly, and by lessening the shock of sudden events, responses will become faster and more organized.

With the passing of the Commissariat Compromise Integration Act, the time countries or states wishing to be annexed into the Federation has been cut down by 93%, speeding up integration by a wide margin.
Massive research and industrial boosts have also been implemented as trade continues.

Trade and military cooperation has increased significantly within the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization, as economies boom due to sudden influxes of investors, scientific cooperation, mergers, and other agreements being signed.
A cooperatively created spaceport was also built to serve as the location for all future Stellar Allied Treaty Organization meetings.
The shocking revelation and reveal of the Xeno Integration Act has been received with total shock from the Federation's allies. With a referendum being held by the people, being a Terran is no longer limited to merely being a human. No matter a sentient's origins, appearances, or history, if at their request, they may be considered a full citizen of the Federation.
This was met with positive commendation from other civilizations, as the bonds and culture of each nation further deepen with the loosening or borders and travel restrictions.
Anti-piracy operations have also been successful, with naval groups being allowed to operate and travel through each ally in SATO.
Multiple cooperative navy and combat drills and exercises have been performed in different systems, which helped strengthen military cooperation and operations, and further serve to earn experience in naval operations.

Recent developments have also occurred in the First SATO War. The Holy Xalavian Empire has suffered massive casualties in fanatic attacks to take Uigurian territory. With the Battles for Yurkhat Spaceport and the Planet of Baqueri ending in SATO victories. Massive offensives have been planned as the Federation moves to Partial Mobilization, along with their allies already having their militaries on standby.
The Holy Xalavian Empire believes it to be a holy war, and the Federation treats it a regional conflict. Time will tell if the Xalavians will move to a change in course, or eventually fall to the combined might of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization.

In the meantime, 2 years after its invention, the implementation of AN-DM4 has finally been completed. This will serve to significantly improve the strength of all armed forces and intelligence agencies to operate as more colonization and expansion occurs.
Civilians need not worry of any sickness or poisoning, as full implementation and approval has been completed for public use, driving down the cost of treatment needed for any illness. While experts worry that this may cause humanity to eventually be used to systems with entirely hostile conditions, causing children born in those areas to immediately catch sickness, this worry has been debunked with the discovery that all immunities are passed down, with the surprising side effect of any attribute being permanently incurable.
LAZULI has been majorly successful, as testing and full implementation has been totally approved for use by the council.
Advanced shielding technology has been fully implemented on all vessels, giving them a major boost in defense, and with LAZULI now in play, it will take a mountainous effort to cause major damage to any Federal vessel with near-indestructible shields and regenerative hulls.
Advanced propulsion technology implementation has finally been completed, with Federal vessels now able to achieve atmospheric speeds of up to 3,500 to 5,400 kilometers per hour.
However, new regulations have been set up with the use of Scrior warheads. Use as planetary bombardment or against civilians has been banned.

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