The Alliance

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This is a special chapter, where instead of following events in the eyes of the Federation, it will entail the recent opinions and events following up to the last chapter in the eyes of the Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant, Klaxosaur Directorate, Nuskhrat-Ril Commonwealth, Uigurian Federal Republic, the Zukraltan Empire, and the Holy Xalavian Empire, now the Xalavian People's Republic.
Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant
The Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant, to say the least, could be considered a historically complex civilization, and as having nearly a territory of a hundred thousand systems, their empire was shattered, as was for the Farellians when they warred with each other.

They rose as one of the dominant species within their homeworld, Nekeshanus, and evolved to outlive other races and become the master of their planet.
But that wasn't to say they had tons of infighting and troubles back then.
What ruled by then were clans who wanted power for their own, and to become the only clan to rule all of their people.

But then he came.
The first Vishtinier...

Not one knew who he was, nor knew anything about him, nor even anything about his history, but somehow he had united the clans, and became the first Vishtinier.
He was the one who wrote down the ancient scripts that the Ascendant now base themselves on. The very script and text which promotes peace, trade, and cooperation, which influenced Nekeshan history, and led them to becoming a peaceful and cooperative civilization within the Galaxy.

As they continued expanding within space, their Vishtinier proclaimed the creation of the Imperial Ascendant, and the rise of authoritarianism finally came into play.
Along their exploration, they encountered many alien civilizations and traded, as well as cooperated with them.

They unlocked valuable and advanced technology for their fleets, and created wonders such as Ring Worlds, Black Hole Matter Decompressors, and Dyson Spheres.
But when they encountered the Farellian Empire, things would never be the same again.
It was inevitable that a cold war would take place, followed by total war as fanatic xenophiles and fanatic xenophobes fought across the stars, to the point that their civilizations were broken beyond a point of mending.

Each one retreated back to their home systems, as their technology rotted and decayed over the course of millions of years, with only a few systems remaining that held the lost remnants of their war. 
The Nekeshans were eventually able to stabilize themselves, but the loss of their Vishtinier broke their spirits, and left them nearly dead husks in their system.

Until the Federation came forth and brought him back, thought to be dead, but clearly still alive while in a cryostasis chamber.
Celebrations erupted for an entire week as Nelekus was returned to his throne, and opinion of the Terrans rose to levels above the hypothetical sky.
Now they have arisen once more, ready to show the Galaxy once more who the real masters are.

After gifting technology to the Terrans and becoming one of the founding members of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization, they have become the driving force in ensuring the technological superiority of the member civilizations within the alliance.

Against the Viltrumites, their fleets faced not a single match as thousands of years of technological prowess was demonstrated, as entire Viltrumite fleets and even pureblooded Viltrumites were killed with their ships' weapons.

The Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant shall rise once more, and rise they will, along with their allies and the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization.
Nuskhrat-Ril Commonwealth
After decades of war on their planet, similar to those reminiscent of the great wars fought by the Terrans, the Nuskhrat-Ral were eventually able to unite their world under on government, and begin exploring the vast expanse of space.

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