At a Standstill (Gate)

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"Let me tell you something. You may have been great gods back on your planet, but this is not your world. I was kind enough to let you exist, and you dare fucking attack the citizens of the very planet that hosts you? This world, or any other world by far are not your playthings. I suggest you keep your attempts to spread your fear or influence at bay, lest you wish to incur my wrath."
( A slight lore change for Gate Anime. In this story, I'm going to make the Gods of Falmart more closely acquainted and on good terms to each other. Which means instead of mainly ignoring the others, they are more likely to coordinate, or ally with each other.)
January 27th, 2262
The day when it finally happened. The UNSA had received a warning from Zagrev 6 days earlier, to prepare. 

SATO had already informed its citizens of what was to come. Earth was on DEFCON 2 with MTF's and local garrisons ready to mobilize within an hour, and the local navy being reinforced, amounting to a total of 60 carriers, 180 destroyers, 460 frigates, and 840 corvettes

And then it actually happened. The Pacific ocean shone brightly for a few minutes, until a large landmass was seen. Luckily, there were no merged landmasses, but many pacific facilities which were abandoned seemed to have disappeared. Scientists were shocked to find that the Earth looked like it never had expanded from the atmosphere, but when a ship entered the mesosphere, the continents seemed to have moved to make way for Falmart, and the Earth expanded by a few hundred kilometers.
Fortunately, there was no infrastructure damage, and there was no major earthquake or geological/continental damage.

The UNSA used satellites to relay and give detail to what the landmass actually looked like. They sent unmanned recon aircraft, with all local forces on standby and ready to engage. The recon aircraft were able to take multiple pictures of what looked like to be a civilization, similar to that of the Roman Empire. A week passed until Earth finally calmed down, and prepared to establish diplomatic contact. They also designated the new continent as the "Falmart Special Region".

(The orientation of the continent on Earth is flipped. Essentially, it had a vertical orientation instead.)

Until hell broke lose, and a large fleet was spotted heading towards San Francisco. The UNSA mobilized the local fleet and garrison, ready for an engagement.

Said fleet established contact with the unknown fleet coming from Falmart. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as the unknown fleet only turned out to be a diplomatic delegation.

The UNSA scheduled a diplomatic conference with the "Empire". During February 2nd, Imperial diplomats visited San Francisco. One of the Imperial diplomats were from the royal family, namely a Princess "Pina Co Lada". UNSA and Union Reps tried not to chuckle at the mention of her name.

Basic information was divulged, at which point it was found that their original world was becoming geologically and atmospherically unstable, and their gods sent the Falmart continent to another world. The gods' apostles were sent as messengers across the empire, to prepare for the continental transference.
 The gods of Falmart conducted a ritual in order to transfer the continent to another world. Fortunately, the Falmart continent was sent to a safe and habitable world. The only downside was it was in the middle of the capital world of a spacefaring federation reeling from an interstellar war which resulted in the deaths of over 20 billion people. To sum up the Empire's situation on Earth, it was essentially a "You have no power here" situation. 

Their magic still seemed to be able to operate normally. The UNSA agreed to aid the empire due to their transference having caused a massive earthquake, and their economy, agriculture, and infrastructure systems were severely damaged, almost to the brink of collapse. The state of the empire was in ruins, and on Earth, it was a mere ant to the governments of the UNSA. 

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