A Celestial Calling

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Zagrev was in the main room of his mansion. He was seated on his chair, and it looked like he was waiting for something to happen. He never was a patient man, but he would just act passive aggressive when some things would take to long. He ponders for a few moments about his life. He was born as one of the most powerful reality benders in the universe, but he had no care for material items. Just 50,000,000 years ago, he became the new guardian of the universe and reality itself. His former master and mentor, Agatha Rias, was the former guardian, but sacrificed herself to destroy the Scarlet King. He readied his suit and tie as he always liked his form. An old man, with a black tuxedo and a black hat, made him feel more powerful and formal.

He ponders about his past. About the time he discovered his powers, how he met Madam Agatha, how he fought in a war to save the fabric of reality itself. It all felt eternity to him anyway. He remembered facing off against the Scarlet King as if it was yesterday. Suddenly a large group of men and women appear, and his mansion seeming larger than it was before. They appear confused at first, until they see Zagrev sitting on his chair.

Zagrev: Finally! I thought the stone would take forever. Oh, Welcome, I am Zagrev.

???: I'm sorry, who are you?

Zagrev: I am Zagrev Mornari, the owner of this mansion, and the one to summon all of you here. I'm sorry for this sudden interruption, but I needed to call upon you for something.

???: For what? Who even are you?

Zagrev: You see, all the anomalies and weird events that occur on Earth, that was me. Or at least It wasn't me


Zagrev: I am the Guardian of the Universe. I keep things that are much more... shall we say "dangerous" from breaching your reality. If you'll check your hand, you will see a HPSD.

???: What do you... How?

Zagrev: In it you will find everything you need to know. Humanity will face something far more dangerous than an orb or an unkillable reptile. I know all of you are extremely confused, but eventually, it'll make sense. And oh, here's my number. Zagrev tosses them a card with only his number. "If you have a question, call me." Zagrev then snaps them out of his pocket dimension. Hadralda then pops in from a dark corner announced

Hadralda: So... that's it?

Zagrev: Jesus Christ you fucking scared me! Both then laugh out loud. "Yes, that was it. I know it's anti-climactic but yes, the HPSD had everything they needed to know. It'll update gradually with new information. I know I could just give them all the info at once, but where's the fun in that?"

Meanwhile back at Earth...

To say that the higher ups of SATO were extremely confused was an understatement. It seems that all leaders of countries, overseers, a handful of directors, generals, and admirals were seemingly summoned upon a large mansion with a man calling himself "Zagrev Mornari". There were no records of him found in any database. They were given and HPSD with information. When it was plugged in, there were multiple documents already on the device. It seemed to contain basic information about paraphysical and paranormal threats. But here is where it gets interesting. It explains the role of a guardian and the powers they hold. In it was a video where Zagrev explained himself.

"I apologize about that whole summoning thing, but I guess this needs to be cleared out. I am Zagrev Valivok, as some of you may already know. I am the "guardian" or whatever you wish to call me of this universe. The guardian if you do not know, is an individual gifted with extremely powerful supernatural powers to keep the universe stable and free from darkness. You see, the anomalies that have popped up since the dawn of man, such as the second city, the indestructible reptile, those are "creations" of a malicious and malevolent being I have come to know as the "Scarlet King".  You see, he tried to merge his reality with ours, and in the process, started a multiversal war which took nearly 2 million years. The reason he was so powerful was because he could withstand the effects of warped reality, which essentially means our powers were ineffective against him. We were eventually able to destroy him with the help of a multiversal alliance, but his legacy would not be fully wiped. He unleashed thousands of his abominations before he perished, and they persisted in obstructing us for generations until we banished them back to his realm. Today some still exist, such as the ones you have in containment at Site 29 and 36. Very impressive that you were able to incapacitate the Arvius and even the Horgoth. But I have not come for a short history lesson nor to applaud your efforts, but to heed you a warning.  Long ago, a continent somehow spontaneously manifested in what is now the Pacific ocean. It contained a race called Mgaleks which had technology similar to today's standards. They plunged the Earth into a war and took almost took control of it until I had to wipe them off as if they never existed. Now in the coming months, or years, multiple continental transferences might occur, in all oceans of the world. I do have some information though. The occupants seem to possess powerful paraphysical abilities, so I suggest ramping up your Scranton Reality Anchors. I've found them actually effective in stopping many threats and entities, which may be likely for the inhabitants as well. There seems to be multiple landmasses, and they use magic. Now, I bid you adieu. Oh don't worry, I'll update this with more information I find."

The recording stopped, and observers were left puzzled and more curious. The higher ups decided to prepare MTF's and create more reality anchors in case Zagrev's predictions were to manifest. 

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