Onset of Conflict (Code Geass)

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"Humanity stands today with new allies, along with the Nekeshans and Klaxosaurians. I am proud to announce the formation of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization as our newfound alliance with our friends."

-William Harthal
September 3, 2263
Many events have passed, and many developments have taken place, but none more major than the formation of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization.
With relations between the Ascendants and United Terran Federation having been greatly improved, with the signing of multiple treaties, mutual visits, conferences, a slight feeling of camaraderie has arisen between the two nations.
The signing of an alliance was inevitable.
And with the formation of the Klaxosaur Directorate and their relocation to the Eridianes System, humanity finds itself two new allies to explore the stars with.

With the approval of both Vishtinier Nelekus, The Klaxosaur Princess, and the Terran Federal Council, the 3 nations agreed to create an alliance between them.
And thus, the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization was born.

The Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant prepares to expand rapidly, as they reclaim their former might and set to sail the galaxy once more.
They have given many technologies to humanity as part of their technology sharing program as gratitude for returning their Vishtinier back to their civilization.
Things such as advanced shielding technology, laser weaponry, propulsion and engine systems, nanotechnology, and terraforming technology were given to the Federation en masse in schematics, blueprints, and documents.

There was also an information and cultural exchange convention between the Kingdom and the Federation, with each nation learning about basic histories and cultures, which could prove helpful in years to come.

The United Terran Federation has begun implementing the new technologies received from the Nekeshan Imperials such as advanced shielding technology to reinforce their vessels, and nanotechnology experimentation and design as possible weapons or as on-field repairs for equipment, vehicles, and ships.
They also entered talks on the case of trade deals as well.

The military has also introduced new nuclear warheads that have somehow removed all radiation effects, effectively allowing a new bomb that does not have after lasting negative effects, but extremely effective explosions. The military have called these new warheads "Scrior".
The Federal Council has begun rewriting the 2nd Geneva Conventions to allow the use of Scrior warheads. If allowed, the military will being refits on missiles and railgun cannons for use in naval combat.
(Gate Anime)
The Empire exists now only on paper. The Saderan Republic has taken its place, but the sentiment of the people still stands.
To combat this, the Terran Military has significantly stationed more troops and peacekeepers, as well as station more intimidating ships to deter rebellion or aggression.

The Federation has begun a massive propaganda campaign to smear the former Empire and make it look like a failed state, and with a large slave population, vassal kingdoms whose economies were abused by the empire, and many citizens who had lost something of value due to the Empire's expansionist policies, some form of conflict or rioting was inevitable.

The former vassal kingdoms demanded territorial and economic concessions from the derelict Empire, and the Federation deemed their government too unstable as violence and looting was on the rise.
Quickly, they dismantled the government, and made cities to become sort of city-states similar to medieval Italy, including major economic hubs and capitals like Sadera, Rondel, and Italica.

They divided territory, sometimes directly annexing some land or areas of interest as come cities would be too large for their leaders to be effective. They denied the vassals concessions, threatening retribution should they respond aggressively.
Food imports were significantly increased as a famine would soon be expected from the rising riots in Falmart.

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