For All Mankind

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"Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus"

-Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor

I must inform you in advance that for this very long chapter, there may be some... horny parts, and outright smut.
It's also my first time writing smut, so I apologize for it, and for any mistakes or cringe this story might induce.


Time: January 17, 2265 8:45 AM UN IST

Humanity, has been led to ruin by many things.
In the pursuit of what is good, and by the root of many evils, humanity has brought destruction and devastation upon itself in a nigh endless cycle of war and turmoil.

Perhaps one day, that cycle may end, and humanity find greater purpose other than inventing more efficient and entertaining ways to slaughter each other

Yet today, that cycle is witnessed in plain sight, as the conflagration of war is lit across Artheit and Valorus, while the dissolution of the United Nations grows nearer.

At home, Terran Federalist and nationalist protest and rallies have mostly come to an end, as the Terran National Federalist Coalition have finally pushed forward a referendum for the people to vote on the future of the United Nations.

This, however, has mostly been seen as a mere formality, as data from UPol shows that more than 90% of the populace will vote for the dissolution of the United Nations, and the unification of its constituent nations and territories under a single banner.

With Council negotiations within the Coalition and between Harthal bearing fruit, and the 38th Terran National Congress recently being held in Beijing, these recent events have assured the populace that unification is inevitable, with Harthal personally proclaiming that "Earth's status quo has come to an end."

As such, with the successful negotiations of the National Federalist Coalition coming to an end, the United Nations Council and all UN ministries and agencies have already preemptively begun the process of reorganizing and restructuring themselves in anticipation of the results of the referendum, while Harthal has met with dozens of representatives, governors, and other politicians and statesmen in order to draft the constitution of the new state.

The structure and political system of the new Terran nation will likely largely maintain the federal system of the United Nations Stellar Alliance, with adjustments to be accordingly made to local autonomy and centralization skewed towards the Federal government.

The balance of power within the coalition has also been rapidly skewed towards the Federalists, who have outmaneuvered the Republicans by aligning the nationalists within the coalition towards their side, as support for the Federal system within the coalition wins over a unitary republican model, and compromises for the creation of federal republic fail between the hardline federalists and staunch republicans.

Despite this, Otto Harthal has been able to keep coalition unity stable, and support for unification remains at an all time high.

The parties of old have now largely disintegrated, with what remains of their representatives either joining the Terran National Federalist Coalition, or becoming independents.

The last remaining loyalists and Internationalists have all been disbanded, as their parties' popularity plummets, and Terran nationalism overtakes internationalist ideology, making the Terran revolution all but inevitable.

By the will of the people, and by vote of the Council, a new nation will rise from the ashes of the United Nations of Earth.

Meanwhile, the Solar-Aligned Treaty Organization's CENSTRATCOM has begun to reorganize all of its armies, fleets, and departments into the new Terran Armed Forces, with little resistance or reluctance coming from its Overseers, Field Marshals, and Grand Admirals, which has ensured a smooth transition from Alliance command to Federal command.

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