Crisis of the Earths

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Alright I just gotta tell that this chapter will have a massive crossover event in this. I'm including new arcs for this like MHA, Azur Lane, COD Advanced Warfare, and Kaiserreich. I will also have the Federation encounter the Viltrumite Empire, and the Diamond Authority (Steven Universe), but will also alter some stuff to fit the theme of interstellar war and politics.
"If they demand our allegiance, then we will demand their vassalization. The Viltrumite Empire dares to make an ultimatum of Terra? Then they will know of the might of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization and our allies. I authorize the full mobilization of the United Terran Federation, and request our allies to do the same. If they underestimate us, then so be their downfall."
-High Chancellor William Harthal
October 23, 2265.
3 months...
Only 3 months have passed yet tensions are already boiling, and chaos has broken out as the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization begins total mobilization.
Many, many events have occurred, and as war already rises on the horizon, the First SATO War shall truly begin.

The Federation already finished the implementation and full distribution of AN-DM4, as their military and government finishes the last phases of their modernization with advanced shielding technology, LAZULI Nanotechnology Field Repairs, advanced propulsion technology, and planetary shielding.
Recently, a referendum was also held, in which the people now surprisingly opted for wanting the civilian distribution of AN-DM4, but instead with attributes now only to be:
Slight Regeneration
Slight Strength
Slight Stamina Increase
Slight Endurance Increase
Full Disease Immunity
Full Poison Immunity
Slightly Enhanced Senses (smell, hearing, vision etc.)
Slightly Enhanced Speed

This caught the council off guard, who were now only finally finishing the military use of Pandora's Blessing, and essentially giving all soldiers:
Superhuman Regeneration
Enhanced Strength
Unlimited Stamina
Unlimited Endurance
Disease Immunity
Poison Immunity
Enhanced Senses (smell, hearing, vision etc.)
Enhanced Speed
Threatening Aura (reduced to avoid antagonization, but can be used for interrogation and forcing surrender)
Oxygen Reliance (less oxygen needed, lung capacity significantly improved, allowing a soldier to live for almost an entire year without oxygen)
Immortality (Any use is banned, unless allowed by the council)
Shapeshifting (For Intelligence agents)
Blood Demon Arts (For specialized units only)

Infantry weapons have also undergone major changes, with the Federation instead now opting for energy-based, but with extremely high capacity, greater power diverted to each blast which resulted in the damage of energy-based weapons being boosted, and extreme rapid-firing guns instead of supercharged bullets.
Surprisingly, the Federation has now cancelled, and totally abandoned Scrior warhead refits, in favor of Nekeshan energy-based, rapid-firing, anti-ship cannons, as their reasons were the warheads would constantly knock out their electronics, and that energy-based cannons were better than railgun cannons.
Massive protests came after mass confusion about the Scrior program, which was thought to be a decrease in nuclear weapons when it turned out that the navy was actually putting nukes on shells rather than scrapping them. The Terran Federal Council has voted to scrap the Scrior program.
While it did face some pushback from the staunch militarists, it was eventually agreed that the navy would now focus on instead using Nekeshan energy cannon technology to replace railgun cannons instead.
Combining Nekeshan energy-based weaponry and Terran rapid-firing cannons, they were essentially creating multi-barreled turrets with projectiles that had a quarter the power of a normal railgun shell, but had the fire-rate of a CIWS.
Massive resources and focus were spent to quickly implement these new weapons, as the Federation hopes to give their fleets greater powers and advantages.

The Aureus IC Mark IIII also been created, utilizing Ascendant technology to boost the superweapon's capabilities, essentially enabling to now have the capabilities of destroying an entire fully-developed spaceport instead of a single carrier. Since the Federation only employed 50 Aureus Class Supercarriers, this refit was easily implemented within the Zanaes Shipyards.

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