The Expanse of Space

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"The first conflict of the United Terran Federation within the parameters and alliance of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization will be the war with the Holy Xalavian Empire. With agreements for both the Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant and Klaxosaur Directorate to send naval forces to aid our newfound friends, the Uigurians and crush these Xalavian scum."
- William Harthal
(Also, just a random suggestion, skip to 3:35)
October 23, 2265
With 2 new members of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization, a second conference commenced, held by the United Terran Federation.
The goal was to strengthen military and economic ties by guaranteeing intervention, and signing massive trade deals to open up markets between each civilization.
Currently, 5 civilizations were members of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization:
The United Terran Federation
The Nekeshanus Imperial Ascendant
The Klaxosaur Directorate
The Uigurian Federal Republic
The Nuskhrat-Ril Commonwealth

During the conference, each civilization agreed to closer military cooperation via exercises and garrison stationing, as well as to open up their markets to foreign economic investment, and agreed to adopt a stable and fair currency exchange rate.
Because of this, the Nuskhrat-Ril and Uigurians received massive boosts to their economy and infrastructure due to investment from others, as well as some boost in spacefaring technology as scientific conventions were held to share technological advancements.

Unfortunately, the Holy Xalavian Empire finally declared war on the Uigurians. With reports of border systems facing heavy attack, each civilization agreed to send battlegroups of fleets, with the Federation and the Ascendant already having some stationed in the Republic.
With the first change of testing out new technologies, ship combat would have dramatically changed from a civilization's experiences due to new tech exports.
And so, the first war of the Stellar Allied Treaty Organization has begun.

In the meantime, refits also continue as the Federation continues to prosper. Many experts seem to favor that the Federation will enter a new era, a sort of new renaissance as they and their allies continue encountering more civilizations in space.

Falmart has finally been stabilized, as violence and banditry decrease. The Gods are still extremely spiteful, but with Zagrev watching, it was either watch their influence dwindle or suffer his wrath.
Avatar is essentially now a semi-autonomous colony as trade and security is increased.
Terra Gaia has now almost stabilized, with the rebuilding of Paris, Berlin, London, and Washington D.C.

However, the Federation has found itself at odds with some nations in the Andeya system. With xenophobic and tyrannical nations calling upon crusades against them. 

They wish for war, and so be it. Peace is what the Terrans wanted, but this does not mean they hold no power to fight.
One may think that Zagrev holds infinite power, yet has great restraint and control in using it. But in truth, he has another purpose.
As the most powerful reality bender of the Universe, he ensures its survival, and can both manipulate the anomalous and the normal aspects of it, but that was only a secondary goal.

His true purpose was to eventually guide the universe to defend against the Unbidden.
Given powers by unknown entities that have now fallen, he was given a strong urge to protect the Universe, and for unknown purposes, hold significant sympathies to the human race, and defend them from threats far greater than them.
With the Unbidden soon returning as the young, and old races of the Galaxy take to the stars once more, all of them will need his help.

However, things like the universe being unstable are also true. With the fact that the current Universe is the main, in which all derive from through different outcome, choice, or occurrence, it is the main sort of nexus through all which anomalous and unstable things eventually end up in. Entire continents, entities, planets, stars, and even galaxies can suddenly find themselves into the primal universe. 
Fortunately, Zagrev has found a way to ensure that overlapped merges will not occur, in order to avoid entire galaxies being wiped out in a single moment. 

He also has a somewhat vindictive and confusing sense of humor. This is displayed by his actions of creating unknown particles allowing sound to travel through space, significantly altering historical events, wiping out entire nations from existence, and giving humanity significant edges in technology, all for his amusement.
His past is extremely mysterious, as doubts arise whether the Red War was a facade, or part of something larger.

His will is what he commands, and he wills the protection of humanity. In a few centuries, war will soon rise over the Galaxy, and what will stand by then as a new beacon of hope shall be the United Terran Federation.
Code Geass
War enveloped the world as the Federation's recent declaration of total war on the Chinese Federation and Holy Britannian Empire reach their respective governments.
Multiple engagements recently occurred as the Federation conducts instant and rapid attacks on every naval asset each nation could use.
Aerial superiority campaigns also continue as battles in the skies of Area 11 and other mainlands occur.

With the Battles for the Japanese Islands of Sapporo, Kyushu, and Shikoku resulting in massive Federation victories, the Holy Britannian Empire has abandoned the area in defense of their mainland.
As rebellions also rise up in the Chinese Federation, continued Federal orbital bombardment, including hit-and-run attacks, the once mighty nation which stood on unstable foundations will easily fall.
The Council also recently convened on the future of the afterwar era when the Federation and the Holy Britannian Empire. They decided on letting local governments take power, and eventually turning them into commissariats.
Massive demoralization and possibilities of mutiny have also hampered each nation's military. After the revelations with their government and leaders, the Britannian Royal Family is in shambles, as schisms and infighting continue. Considerations of deposing Charles zi Britannia have been frequently considered as well.
But there is now one thing that all have understood.

The Chinese Federation and the Holy Britannian Empire are doomed. No matter what they could still do to change their fates, even if they masterfully defeated every army of the Federation, their governments would soon collapse upon their own rotten structures, and their nations will only be remembered as relics of the past in the near future. Liberated by the United Terran Federation from their tyrannical leaders and governments.
Nihonkoku Shoukan

The Ravernal Empire has fallen into a schism and civil war. Radical factions have staged uprisings citing great disappointment and failure of the war. 
3 dominant factions have risen up that will determine the fate of the Ravernal Empire. The Imperial Loyalists, the Ultranationalists,  and the Radical Republicans.

Fighting has been reported between major cities and areas, as each faction attempts to unite the Ravernal Empire under their rule. The Imperial Loyalists are soldiers and citizens who still remain loyal to their Emperor. They currently hold the capital, have most of the fleet under their control, and still have a significant militia.

The Ultranationalists want to make do and abolish the Imperial government, to make way for a dictatorship, and reinstate the war against the Coalition. They are extremely fanatic, and still believe that the Empire can become victorious against the United Terran Federation.
The Radical Republicans are those who want the Ravernal Empire to start anew, and have gained the largest following, drawing from many soldiers and seamen who know of the true power of the United Terran Federation. They also wish to establish a democracy for the Ravernal Empire, believing the Emperor, a failure.

Federal Councilmen have recently voiced support for them, and the Federation is considering sending heavy support for the Radical Republicans, as well as military intervention to help them rise to power, but considerations and the possibility of the Ravernals seeing them as a puppet government considerably deter them from taking any action to aid or to fight.

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