New Frontiers, New Horrors

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"Humanity must explore new frontiers in order to prosper, yet it is a fact that all sentient life must do so as well. It is the nature of all sentients to explore and expand, but sometimes, they will stumble upon something else. Unfathomable horrors and interdimensional threats that shall convince them never to set foot upon the expanse of space again."

This chapter will add 3 new crossover arcs within the story. Detroit Become Human, High School of the Dead, and HTTYD. 
I know HTTYD is a kid's show, but I want to add some spice up with some dragons on Terra.
Though considering the Feds, High School of the Dead might just be a short arc for this chapter.
August 29, 2268
As the United Terran Federation continues their expansion across the expanse of space, the burden of stabilizing the former Viltrumite puppets, and being prepared for conflict at any moment against the Authority or the alien empires bordering their Qualdenorian allies, it was inevitable that new frontiers would bring great potential, yet also great horrors.

The current political and interstellar situation among SATO and its adversaries could be creatively described in one simple word.
The former Viltrumite puppets are having massive troubles stabilizing, there are increasing tensions between the Qualdenorian Confederation and their neighbors, the Federation's having trouble with high amounts of anomalous incidents, with the Nekeshans and Nuskhrat-Ril also facing the same troubles, with 2 planetary transferences occurring within their territories of their own past selves.

With the Federation continuing their expansion across the expanse of space, it was inevitable that there would have been roadblocks along their path to becoming a Galactic Hyperpower.
Massive spaceborne aliens and anomalies have been detected within 4 systems, each with their own interstellar abomination or entity.
These interstellar abominations have been given names such as the Ether Drake, the Aether Drake (Shard), the Solar Devourer, the Extradimensional Horror, and the Scravager (Scavenger) Bot.

When the first scouting vessels first jumped to these systems to determine whether they were safe for exploration, they encountered not a simple system with the usual planets and singular stars, but saw gigantic abominations among them.
The TFS Arkhana jumped into System B7E9, wherein it immediately saw the Solar Devourer on said system's star, and proceeded to warp back into the Federal system it had came from.
The TFS Hadger encountered the Aether and Ether Drake within the E7T1 System, where both were seen hostile to each other, though not actively engaging in combat.
The TFS Dalterion, upon jumping to the U8T1 System, was shocked to see a nearly infinite amount of scrap within the system, and a gigantic construct scavenging the system for parts.
And the TFS Gauss observed an unknown interdimensional rift near a black hole, which only days later saw a massive entity come through, though whatever it was, it was fortunately restricted by its size.

All these massive spaceborne entities shocked Fleet Command, the civilian populace, and even the Terran Federal Council to the core.
Images of the Solar Devourer seemingly draining a star, the Aether and Ether Drake battling each other, the Scravager and its small drones scavenging the U8T1 System full of scrap, and the Extradimensional Horror swatting a moon away like it was nothing circled media for an entire month
The fact that there were spaceborne entities and anomalous abominations this big led the Navy to draw up a plan should they be forced to exterminate these creatures, with the Eldritch and Devourer's fates decided with destruction.
It consulted its allies within the matter, and most approved of exterminating these spaceborne giants, though while some did protest, their voices were ignored when the Council of SATO was shown a video of the Eldritch destroying a moon.
Multiple Aureus Task Forces have already been brought up due to their capacities with their superlaser.
Battleplans and Engagement Procedures are still being made by Fleet Command, though it seems that the battles for these systems may soon take place.

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