Shower {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: Kaz walks in on Y/n taking he shower, and he can't look away. Y/n notices and won't hesitate to speak up.

Warnings: Mentions of sexual interest.

He was bloody exhausted. But still, it was worth it. They had taken another Barrel Boss down, and his crows did great work.
They all deserved a break. Nina and Mathias went to get waffles, Jesper was in the Crow Club loosing all his money to gambling again, Inej and Wylan were watching, drinking.
Having fun.
But Kaz decided to return to the Slat, alone. There was paperwork left that had to be done and he wanted to get a shower. He would probably feel better, more motivated once he did. For a short moment Kaz thought
about Y/n. She wasn't on the mission today, simply because she had migraines. She had the intention to come along, but the Crows decided she needed the rest more urgently.

Kaz groaned. The streets in the Barrel we're empty and quiet, the only sound coming from his cane every time it met the cobblestone.
His leg was worse today, and he honestly couldn't wait to finally sit down.
When the young man arrived at the Slat and entered, he didn't say a single word.
The bastard of the barrel immediately walked to the stairs, up to his attic.
The moment the door behind him was closed, he sighed in relief and not only undressed his coat and hat, which he hung next to the door, but also his leather gloves.
Then he placed them on his desk.

Kaz had to be as quick as possible. He hated it to shower when the crows were around. He preferred to be alone.
He didn't care that she was there. He would never mind when Y/n was around, secretly hoping she'd find a reason to come into his office. He collected his stuff and left his room, walking down the few steps to the third floor where the bathroom was.
The loud noises from downstairs made their way up to him. The Dregs would only ever shut up when he was around to make them.
The door was closed, but not locked and he entered.

And there she stood. Right behind the shower curtain, only a silhouette under the falling water, but a damn beautiful one. Kaz didn't breathe. He didn't leave the room either. He just stood there, leaned against the closed door and watched.
He shouldn't, but he couldn't help it either.
The room was foggy and warm and she moaned slightly as she washed the shampoo out of her hair. She didn't notice him.

Y/n looked like an angel, Kaz thought.
From head to toe, she was stunning.
And if Dirtyhands was completely honest with himself, he never longed for a person more than he did for her in that damn moment.
How, for the first time, he wanted to touch her.
Every inch of her. He wanted to feel the soft skin in his hands, the well formed breasts, her thin hands, her belly, with every birthmark or scar or stretchmark it had.
Kaz wished he could do that. But he couldn't.
He would think of Jordie. He never wanted to think of Jordie, when he thought of her.
Kaz didn't want to associate one of the most beautiful things in his life with one of the worst.

He breathed in heavily. Dirtyhands needed to get out immediately. It would be a disaster if
Y/n would see him standing there, watching her. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help it. He slowly, quietly, opened the door and pushed himself out. Once Kaz had left the bathroom, he leaned against the door and closed his eyes, trying to normalise his breaths and the pace of his heart again. The floor was dark, he could smell cigarettes and alcohol all the way up from downstairs.

Even after Kaz was in the attic again, sitting at his desk, working through all the papers, he couldn't get Y/n out if his head.
Her body. The sound she made when she turned to water colder. Everything about her.
When there was a knock on his door, he suspected that Jesper was back.
"Come in." He said calmly, not even looking up from his work. Saints beware what would happen if someone suspected how confused he actually felt. To his surprise, it wasn't Jesper who entered the room but instead Y/n.
Her hair still wet from the shower, a few strains hanging in her face.
Her lips a deep tint of read. If he could kiss her, he wouldn't hesitate.
She wasn't wearing more than a long, loose tshirt. Y/n grinned.

She noticed how Kaz looked at her from head to toes. She had noticed how he had entered the bathroom, too. She knew it was an accident. But Y/n also knew that it wasn't an accident, how he didn't leave for minutes.
Just standing there, calmly, watching her.
She felt a bit as if he had chosen her.
It felt good.
"I'm sorry if I'm disturbing." Y/n said, as she closed the door behind herself.

"You're not." He answered simply, trying to focus on the paper in front of himself again.
"What do you want? It's late."
"I know it is. I don't intend to stay very long. You wanted to take a shower too, huh?"
Y/n could feel the blood rush to her cheeks. She bit her lip. She did it, she said it. She wouldn't dare not to respect his boundaries, to touch him, but she wouldn't let it slip either.

Kaz gaze shot up quickly. Only for a second, his eyes were large, before he fell back to the facade he always kept up.
"I did." He answered. Dirtyhands wouldn't expose what exactly he had seen. Not as long as there was still the chance that she didn't know about everything he had done.
"You could've knocked." Y/n noticed.
"You could've locked the door."
"Chapeau." The young women sighed then.

"Still," she started, "if you decide to stay in for an eternity, at least tell me next time."
Kaz eyes went wide again, unable to response, while Y/n just giggled slightly and slipped out of the room again.
She did it. Y/n made Kaz Brekker speechless.

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