Sizes {Jesper Fahey}

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Summary: Y/n returns from he mission feeling insecure about her weight. Jesper notices and comforts her. Fluff.

Warnings: Body dismorphia, insecurities.

She didn't go into the shaft. She would've fit, but the moment she saw it she knew it would be tight. It would embarrass her. At least she believed it would. The Crows weren't mad. She had never backed out of a plan, it was the first time. They just thought it was suspicious.
They couldn't figure out why she did it.
When the group arrived back in the Slat, the decided to celebrate the win. Even Kaz stayed down with the others, taking shots.
Y/n was the only one who didn't.
While her friends were busy taking out glasses and bottles of gin and port wine, she quickly walked up the stairs to her room.

The moment the door was closed, she could feel the tears build up. Y/n sat down at her small dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror. It was too much. The small double chin, the puffy cheeks. Her arms and tighs were way to thick, her belly was to chubby too.
She wished she wouldn't mind being chubby, but she did. There were features she loved about herself, but it felt like they all meant nothing compared to all the pounds she had too much.

A soft knock on the door woke her out of these thoughts. Before she could answer, Jespers head peaked in. He gave her a big grin, holding up a bottle of rum and two glasses he fidgeted in his hands. His grin vanished the moment he saw that tears have been running down her cheeks. He placed the things on her table, then crouched down to be on eye height with her.
Jesper gently brushed the tears from her cheeks, trying to cheer her up by smiling again. "Why are you crying my love?" He asked so quietly, that a shiver ran over Y/n's back. He usually talked much louder and faster.
She shrugged.

What was she supposed to tell him? Be honest? The young woman sighed and cupped his face with her right hand. "Jes, do you really love me?" The sharpshooter wrinkled his forehead slightly. "Stupid question, of course I do. You're my everything." He told her honestly.
Y/n felt the tears building up in her eyes again. Jesper wondered why, if it was what he said or if it was just something completely random.
He continuously brushed away the tears.
"Sssssh, please, please stop crying my love." He told her. He hated to see her cry. It was horrible, especially when he was clueless how to help her. She sobbed, and he stood up to gently wrap his arms around her.

"Tell me what's wrong. I want to help you, whatever it is, I'm here. But you have to tell me why you're crying." Jesper told her, his voice now louder again. She bit her lip.
"If I were you, I wouldn't love me. I'm not trying to fish for compliments or attention, it's simply a fact." "I wouldn't think you tried that." Jesper quickly intervined, as she continued.
"You want to know why I'm crying? Jes, I look horrible. I weigh way too much. I want to be skinny, wear short skirts and dresses. Fit through everything, go everywhere without being insecure and overthinking the way people look at me." She finally explained.

The wheels in Jespers head began to spin as he finally understood. "That's why you refused to go through the shaft!" The man exclaimed.
She nodded hesitantly. "That's such bullshit." Jesper then said and Y/n's eyes grew big.
"It's not true, you shouldn't be insecure about your body. You look fine. Better than fine, actually. Bloody beautiful. I adore you with a valid reason, its not just your character. I mean, your character is great! But so is your body and your face. Your nose has the perfect size, your lips are the most kissable ones I've seen in my entire life." Her softly brushed over the features he pointed out, then he began to kiss them too.
"I love your neck, with every hickey I placed on it. I love your breasts, your belly and your thighs. With all the birth marks, freckles and beauty marks." "Stretch marks." She corrected him. Her tears were long forgotten, she chuckled a bit every time his hands and lips drove over a new part of her body.

"Beauty marks." Jesper insisted.
"I've never looked at you and saw something that's not stunning and perfect." He finally said leaning in to kiss her lips. Y/n suddenly felt so silly for questioning Jespers taste. He loved her. It was Jesper and Y/n, it would always be.
They adored each other.
So she returned the kiss, knowing that nobody would ever love her as unconditionally and pure as Jesper Fahey did.

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