Pursued pleasure 2 {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: It's the final step. The first time. Actual sex. It's scary, for both of them, but they want and need it. Kaz is sure he is ready.

Warnings: Smut.

They all knew. Well, not exactly what happened, but damn well that something happened. Neither Kaz nor Y/n could enter the room without staring at each other. The tension was visible, causing gossip and giggles to not only wander around the Crows but also the Dregs. It wasn't a negative tension. It included so much love and lust, that for the first time others would be jealous of them.
After the whole procedure went on for a few days, Nina couldn't resist anymore. So when she sat at a table in the Crow Club, facing all the Crows next to Kaz, she finally asked.

"So, Y/n..." The heartrender started in a low voice, so only they could hear. All the noise in the Club made that possible. "You two went to the next stage, huh? Took you long enough." "Nina!" Y/n exclaimed, feeling her cheeks heating up and turning red. The Crows laughed. "No need to be embarrassed. You never were when it was about us." Jesper told her. Yeah, but being the main topic is much different, the young woman thought.
"You really don't need to talk about it, if you prefer not to." Inej told her, putting her hand und Y/n's arm to comfort her.

"It's nothing big, really. But we're getting there." She told her friends.
"Baby steps." Wylan recalled the mantra Kaz and Y/n shared through the past years. She nodded in agreement. "So still a virgin?" Jesper wanted to reassure. They didn't laugh. They had no intention to make fun of it, they understood the circumstances and had much respect for all that the couple had already archived and endured. "Still a virgin. But moving forward. Stuff happened already, it was good. Kaz is." She smirked a little, as Nina started cheering for her.

"Let's go." Kaz voice suddenly appeared behind her. That meant that business was finished. Y/n grinned, as she stood up and waved her friends goodbye, following the bastard of the Barrel out of his Crow Club.
"Everyone is out again." This time, she noticed it before him. The streets of Ketterdam were filled with tourists, wherever you would look there were bright colours and costumes.
Kaz tried his best not to grin, but as the realisation hit him, the corner of his lips twitched up visibly.
"I suppose that means you want to use that time?" He asked her, as he carefully intertwined his gloved little finger with hers.
"Using that time gives us many possibilities." She mocked, giggling. "You mischievous little monster." Dirtyhands answered.

As soon as the door of his room was closed, Kaz turned around to press his lips against hers, being brave and already removing his gloves.
It was harsh again, pure lust.
She stopped him quickly. "How far would you want to go today?" She asked.
They repeated the things they did the first time twice, until both felt ready to take it further. It was easier for the bastard of the Barrel to pleasure her. It was less vulnerable, as he still wore almost all of his clothes and it didn't require too much skin contact. It waz still alot.
But Kaz wanted to break through that wall, to finally reveal himself before her in his most vulnerable form. "I want to do it." He finally answered.

Her eyes grew big. "Are you sure?" She asked the question she always asked in moments like this. "That's a big step. Bigger than any step we took before. Skin on skin, sweat, moaning. My breath in your neck. Our body's pressed together. Kaz, I need you to be sure this is what you want." There was a gap between them, yet he got goosebumps from their closeness. He reconsidered it, for a brief moment.
She was right, this was huge. This was more than the last few times. This was risky.

But Kaz nodded slightly. "I want this. I'm sure. I want you, bare skin. I want to feel you, every little bit. Please." He almost begged.
It was a sight for sore eyes. Kaz Brekker, bastard of the Barrel, Dirtyhands, begged sweet little Y/n to touch her. She grinned.
"Then touch me. Don't ask anymore, just do it. You know your ways, you can please me better than I could ever do it myself. Touch me, Kaz."
And he did. Their lips crashed into each other again. His hand boldly started cupping her breasts and massaging them. He didn't hesitate anymore, he started getting used to it. They only broke apart to catch their breaths.

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