Thunderstorms {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: Y/n awakes to a thunderstorm that scares her. Kaz is there to comfort Y/n.

Warning: Panic attack.

It was 2am when Y/n awoke out of her sleep. It was a loud noise that caused it. She stood up carefully, aware of the fact that Kaz was laying in the same bed. She didn't want to wake him.
Once Y/n stood, she walked over to the window and pushed the curtain aside, to see the rain lash against it. A bright light caused her to flinch and the lightning was followed by a loud thunder. She swallowed the lump that was in her throat and closed the curtain again.

Kaz god may be greed, but Y/n's god would always be a simple thunderstorm.
A power that felt so much bigger than all the people in the world, so much bigger than her.
So she walked to the bed again, laying down as carefully as she stood up, moving the blanket up to the tip of her nose. Y/n closed her eyes and started fidgeting with the ring on her finger. She opened her eyes again.

Five things she could see.
The brown dresser. The grey curtain. The flower on the dresser. Her nightstand. The book she read to Kaz last evening.
Four things she can touch.
Her blanket. The mattress. Her ring. The nightstand handle.
Three things she can hear.
The goddamn rain. The goddamn thunder.
God, Kaz breathing.
Two things she can smell.
The wood oil of the bed. The coffee Kaz always drank.
One thing she could taste.
The toothpaste she used a few hours before.

She could fee the pace of her breath calm down. Everything was fine. She was safe. Kaz was right there, next to her.
But the moment another thunder, a louder one, was heard, she flinched and started shaking.
That was what woke him up.
It took Kaz a moment to be conacious enough to realise what was happening. There was a big gap between them, but Kaz could still feel the blanket move and her quiet whimpers.
Kaz rubbed his eyes.
"Y/n?" He asked into the dark.

"Yes?" The young women asked as casually as possible. She didn't turn around.
"What is going on?" "Nothing."
Kaz sighed. Nothing never meant nothing when ahe said it like that. It meant everything. So Kaz pushed the blanket aside and stood up, to walk around the bed. He struggled with his leg, when he sat down on the ground at her side of the bed and move her blanket away too. Y/n opened her eyes carefully. Kaz moved his hand to her head. He breathed in and paused before her touched her and brushed through her hair. He could hear her breathing calming down. Kaz still avoided to touch her.
But if her demons came up, he pushed his aside. It was worth it, for both of them.

"Sssssh. I'm here. There is nothing to be afraid of." It took the Bastard of the Barrel a few moments to decide what to say. Words like these didn't came naturally to him, but he learned how to use them when he got closer to Y/n. He loved her and she loved him. No matter how unlikely their marriage was. They didn't touch alot and never really kissed before, but that wasn't an aspect of importance to them. The feelings where there and they were rewarded in enough ways.
In moments like this.

"Thank you, Kaz." Y/n said, as she felt the comfort his hand on her head brought.
He gave her a slight smile, one that he only ever gave to her, as his hand moved further down to brush over her cheek. It was hot and dry, not cold and wet. It felt alive. She was alive. All was fine.
"I won't leave. It's just a thunderstorm, it's out there. You're here with me, Dirtyhands. If needed so I will even fight a thunderstorm for you." He tried to joke. She chuckled a bit.

"I'm sorry that I woke you up. You need to work tomorrow, you should sleep."
He shook his head no. "It's fine. I will just let the Crows do the work. They need to earn their money after all." She chuckled again. That was good. Distraction.
"I'm still here." Kaz reassured her one last time, before she closed her eyes again and his thumb drove over her lips.

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