Fatherhood {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: Kaz Brekker and Y/n try their best with their son Jordie. That includes ups and downs.

Warnings: None.

Note: I didn't mention if they had Jordie naturally or adopted. I leave that up to your imagination.

They named him Jordie.
It wasn't Kaz idea, it was hers. He didn't dare to say it out loud. The wish to name their child after his greatest demon. But it felt like honouring all that Jordie has done for him.
It took them until the very moment they held the baby in their arms to decide on the name.
But Y/n knew it was right.
He felt like a Jordie.

Jesper was disappointed. He had counted on them to name the child after him.
"He has my good looks, he deserves the proper name too." He had said, and Wylan would take his arm softly and whisper sweet nothings in his ear, about how they would name their child after him.

They didn't live in the Barrel, but their house was only a few minutes away from it.
Kaz worried about their safety alot. But Y/n would calm him down and tell him it was alright. It was, after all. They both did everything to keep Jordie safe.

Y/n was a great mom. That's what Kaz thought.
She did things that felt so unlikely for her. The girl that used to break into the Ice Court with him, that knew exactly how to fence, how to take down the enemy. The girl who gambled with Jesper, drank with Inej, ate waffles with Nina, mercilessly teased Mathias about him being uptight and the girl, who shamelessly gave her best to set up Wylan and a certain sharpshooter. Now she cooked. At least she tried. Most of the time she failed miserably. But she always made sure the food was something either Jordie, Kaz or both liked. She tried herself with sewing.
It started when Jordies pants were constantly ripped apart because he played with Nina or Jesper. Now she could already shorten Kaz pants. Every evening when they brought him to bed she hugged and cuddled him to make up for everytime Kaz had to refuse it.

Kaz hated that the most. He felt ready when they had Jordie. For a brief moment, when he first held him, he thought it would work out just fine. It didn't.
Kaz tried his best. He still wore his gloves to work. It came much easier to him when he was at home, the home Y/n had decorated so beautifully, the home that was always warm and welcoming. The home that carried no bad memories, that felt safe. The home he shared with the women he loved and with his child.
He didn't need to wear the gloves there.
But it wasn't his instinct, to touch people. Every time Jordie hugged him, or Y/n kissed him it took him a brief moment to overcome the anxiety. But they were warm and dry and alive. But Kaz had worse days, too.
Days where not only his leg was stiffer, but days were every single, small touch brought back his voice.
But then again he remembered that his voice  could not only bring bad memories, but also good ones. From before it all happened.
And Kaz remembered that there was another Jordie. One that he wouldn't loose. One that needed him, not the other way around. A Jordie that was there, right at this moment, waiting for him.

Kaz was a great dad. That's what Y/n thought.
When she was completely honest to herself, she had to admit that she doubted Kaz in the beginning. This was big and hard and complicated, and she could understand if he needed more time. Or if he didn't want it at all. But every day Kaz gave his best.
Every evening he'd tell him a fairytale. Kaz was shamelessly praising missions the crows had succeeded in as storys about knights and witches. Y/n thought the very creative retellings were hilarious.
The bastard of the barrel could be stingy. But he brought something home for Jordie at least once a week. The crows and his father spoiled the boy way too much.

Jordie loved playing hide and seek. Kaz liked that too. He was good at it, but he'd let his son win regularly. Learn to loose, but still push his confidence through winning. Hide and seek did not require any kind if touching either.
Jordie loved to eat waffles even more.
Nina adored him.
The first time they all went out together, Jordie sat on Kaz' lap. Dirtyhands was wearing his gloves, but it was still so unlikely close that, especially Mathias and Jesper, couldn't stop staring. Kaz fed Jordie, cleaned his mouth with a towel and asked him in the sweetest tone if he wanted more. If they would tell that to another Barrel Boss, they would call them crazy. Not Kaz Brekker, they would say.

But yes, indeed, Kaz Brekker. He had ups and downs. Y/n did too. But they tried their best.
And they were moving forward.
And Jordie, saints, he was the greatest gift they had in their life.

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