Princess {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: A mission risks to reveal Y/n's real identity towards the Crows. Kaz understands.

Warnings: None I can think of.

Y/n belonged here. To the Dregs, the Crows.
To Kaz. That's the way she felt. She's been a part from all of this for a couple of years now, so of course she felt like that.
They were her home.
And saints, she couldn't have asked for something better. They respected and accepted her, trusted her and never asked about her past. The big secret. They could never know.
Otherwise it would end in a disaster.

Kaz was interested in her past. He knew how to respect boundaries, but he also wanted to have a bit information about the people that worked for him. He had told Inej to find something out, anything. Where she came from, when. Who she was.
But Inej found nothing and Kaz admired Y/n's talent to get rid of her past. She did it even better than him. But despite the lack of knowledge, Kaz did trust her. She proofed herself loyal on missions and he couldn't blame someone for something he did too.

So Kaz trusted her with that certain mission like he trusted the other Crows.
He saw a chance and took it, asking them into the attic to reavel the plan.
"Please don't let it be deadly."  Nina exclaimed, as she walked in followed by the others.
"If Kaz is asking all of us in the attic like that, you can bet it is." Y/n answered and grinned.
Kaz smirked a bit too.
"Don't be so dramatic. If you stick to the plan it will work out just fine." Dirtyhands said, putting the layout of an estate on his table.
The Crows eyed it for a moment.
"What is that? Looks expensive." Jesper said, leaning against Y/n's chair.
"Angelton Castle." The young woman said, deeply lost in her thoughts. Odd, Kaz thought.

"And you show this to us because...?" Mathias asked, clearly not understanding.
"Because we're going to rob it." Kaz had the slightest smirk on his face, almost as if he was proud. Suddenly, Y/n laughed, which caught the attention of the others. "How do you expect us to do that? Just walk in?"
"Just walk in." Kaz nodded. Y/n's expression dropped. "How do you intend to do that?"
"Easy one. There's a festival. And we are going to take advantage of that."
The group looked at the Bastard of the Barrel in confusion. "Right through the front door? Dressed as what?" Inej finally asked, playing with one of her daggers.
"Nina and Mathias will. Dressed as landlord and lady. Jesper and Inej will be one of the attractions, you know that one. It worked before. Wylan will get in as a kitchen boy, they are looking for some to help out."
Kaz showed them where they all would be located on the map.

Y/n decided to put on her facade again. Play along as long as she could.
"Ahh and we're getting in together? Can't bear to be separated from me for longer, Brekker?"
"We will, actually. But we're getting in over the library." Y/n shook her head. "The library is the room that is locked the best. The Duke works from there. I'd go in over the other side of the castle. Look, this is where the servants live and they won't position many guards there because they will need them on more important positions." She explained comfortably. Kaz narrowed his eyes. He found her sudden interest behind the plan, as well as ber knowledge, incredibly suspicious.
"You're right." He admitted finally. "So we will go in through the window right here. Everyone understood?" Dirtyhands asked, looking at his Crows. They all nodded in agreement.


Y/n was incredibly nervous. Getting in was an easy task, Kaz picked the lock of the window within a minute and no servant was in the room, as they were all out working. God, she had never seen these rooms before. She looked around quickly, analysing every detail until she saw what she was looking for. "There!" She exclaimed. Kaz looked to the place she pointed at and saw uniforms of the palace guard, all neatly lined up. "That is your free passage through the castle, Kaz." She said, walking over to them, looking for one that would fit him.
Kaz raised his brow. "I thought we agreed that we wouldn't play dress up." "Come on Brekker, if there won't be a palace guard telling the chef that they need another kid to serve champagne, they will find it very suspicious that a new kitchen boy is suddenly nowhere to be found. They will be careful of that today." She explained, handing a uniform to him.
"Don't worry love, I won't look unless you want me too." She smirked. Kaz rolled his eyes.

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