Brekkers sister {Kaz Brekker & Nikolai Lantsov}

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Summary: After years of being separated from each other, Y/n finds her way back to her brother, revealing where she was the past years. That includes Nikolai Lantsov.

Warnings: Kaz past, rising panic attack.

Y/n Rietveld was his most well kept secret. His attempts to find her overshadowed his wish to revenge Jordie's death. She was his sister, he couldn't just forget her. It was Jordies voice that blamed him, that urged him to do horrible things to Pekka Rollins, but it was Y/n's voice that told him it was fine. That he could forget about them, forgive himself.
Kaz never did. He never would.
So he clinged to that small chance that he still had a bit of his family somewhere in this world. That she only vanished in that unfortunate night, that she wasn't one of the corpses. But Kaz would probably never know that, because he was too cowardly to check each of them for her. It was his biggest regret.

Inej never questioned his demands for her to look for a certain girl. She didn't question who Y/n was, not once. Jesper was the first person who dared to ask about her. Kaz never said a word, never implied that he had a sister, that there was family. Jesper simply asked who the person is that Inej is meant to look for.
Kaz never answered him.
Jesper never asked again.

While Inej was looking for Y/n, Kaz tried to regain his memories of her. How they got separated, that night where Jordie died.
He remembered that she was ill, that she held his hand and begged him to not let go of her. And Kaz remembered the moment he did let go, the panic in her eyes as he looked into them for the last time. Her hand was the only touch he still longed for to this day. Her eyes were the ones he saw when he couldn't sleep at night.

It was a certain Sunday when he saw her again.
Sundays were usually calm, most weren't out on any missions, instead recovering from the headaches that the amount of alcohol from the last evening caused. So most Dregs slept.
The Crows on the other hand, spent their time planning a heist. Nina complained almost the entire time that she had better things to do, Jesper fell asleep regularly, Matthias scratched Ninas head and only Wylan and Inej were fully aware and listening.
A sudden knock gained the attention of the six, Rotty entered without waiting for an answer. He looked nervous, uncomfortable, tapping from one foot to the other.

"Do you have any reason to bother me?" Kaz asked annoyed. Rotty swallowed the lump in his throat. "There is a young woman, she is looking for you Boss. She says she knows you."
Kaz raised his brow, looking to the others as if he expected them to tell him who she was. They simply shrugged, so Dirtyhands sighed and turned back to Rotty.
"Did she tell you her name?"
"Y/n Rietveld, Boss."

Kaz panicked. For the first time in so long, he felt his throat tighten, his hands shaking, sweat on his forehead. His eyes grew big, he opened his mouth, but no words came out.
The Crows were concerned, unsure what to do. It was obvious that Kaz suddenly wasn't feeling well, but it was something they never saw before, not like that. They wouldn't dare to touch them, it would do more damage than good. "Kaz..." Inej said softly, trying to get his attention.

Inej. Her voice. Her beautiful voice, so low, so calming and intimate, yet so respectful. She was right there, Inej, with her beautiful dark brown eyes. So dark that they almost looked black, resembling all the warmth that she had in her pure heart, suddenly looking so concerned. Kaz didn't say a word, he simply returned the gaze, gaining his awareness back.

He was Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, bastard of the Barrel. He wasn't Kaz Rietveld. That boy died years ago. He had no reason to be scared. He was absolutely in control. So Kaz took a deep breath, not addressing the panic that took over him for a moment. "Let her in." He turned to Rotty again, who nodded and left the room.
It wouldn't really be her. Whoever that woman was, she was an imposter.
But then she stood right there.

Tall, clearly not the sick girl anymore, that just lost her parents and begged her brother to not let her go. But she had the same lips, the same nose and eyes. Overall the same face, the only difference was the blush that graced her cheeks. A blush that made her look so alive, that proofed him that she wasn't dead. That she stood there. But she looked so much healthier, with sleekly hair and fine clothes, obviously grown into a woman.
So maybe Y/n Rietveld died, just like Kaz Rietveld did. She smiled at them, as good as possible, trying to make a good impression.

"I wasn't sure if it was actually you. I looked for a Rietveld and found nothing, when I looked for a Kaz you were the only person people referred to. I'm sorry I just walk in like this." She really didn't know what else to say. The moment felt too surreal, so unlikely.
"So you just show up as if nothing happened? After almost ten years." He stated that, standing up. She took a step back immediately.
"I'm sorry." Her voice sounded small, fearful.
"Do you even know..." Kaz started, full of anger, not capable of finishing the sentence.
"I know Jordie died. I saw him. But I couldn't find you."

Kaz opened his mouth, then closed it again.
Breathe, Kaz, breathe. He looked at the Crows, who all eyed Y/n curiously. Only Inej's eyes still layed on him, and as his gaze met hers, he felt safe. He felt like Kaz Brekker again.
"Where were you then, for the last ten years, if you were looking for me?" He leaned against his table. "I was!" Y/n defended herself.
"In the first two months I lived on the streets, but Ketterdam is big. I tried my best to find you here. One day they collected a bunch of kids from the streets, including me. Then we got tested. I am a Grisha, a Tailor to be concrete. They took me to the Little Palace, but there I was gifted to the Queen with another Tailor called Genya. They did horrible things to her. They would've done the same things to me, but I escaped. It's a long story, I had some help from the Kings son who brought me to Ketterdam, Nikolai. He's a good guy. And now I'm here." She explained.

Kaz scoffed. The entire story sounded crazy, absolutely unreal. But it was the world they lived in. It was Y/n. The girl who never said a lie through their entire childhood. She looked to shameful, to deeply sorry. So Dirtyhands chose to believe her.
Before he could answer, Jesper raised his hand.
"Am I allowed to ask who that woman is?"
Kaz ignored him, but Y/n answered.
"My name is Y/n Lantsov. I'm Kaz sister."
Jespers mouth formed an 'oh'.
"Lantsov?" Kaz asked. She laughed, holding up her hand to reveal a ring.
"I forgot to mention that I'm married."

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