Trust and jealousy {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: Kaz gets jealous over the relationship Jesper and Y/n share. It ends in confessions.

Warnings: None.

Jesper adored Y/n. She was always bubbly and fun and up for a challenge.
She won against him in gambling, he won against her in shooting. But it was always close. Jesper considered her to be his best friend.
And best friends are close.
Every evening, when they were free, they were in the Crow Club together, taking shots and having fun. They went on most missions together. They were a good team, similar enough to know exactly what the other one was thinking. It was a huge perk against the enemys. And it was also great to have someone to spill your secrets to.
Jesper had a tendency to slip things he heard to everyone around him. He liked to gossip. But he would never dare to do the same with all the things Y/n had told him. Her confessions to him, for example about her feelings towards Kaz.

Having a best friend was fun and a feeling of home. So was, whatever was going on between her and Kaz. Their closeness was something that went much deeper, as they shared something more important than physical touch. She could hug Jesper, sometimes giving each other playful kisses on the cheeks. She never kissed or hugged or touched Kaz. They talked. They talked alot. But it always was a great balance between deep conversations and meaningful chatters. Kaz understood her and Kaz respected her. So did Jesper, but it wasn't something comparable. Everything between Jesper and her was completely public, nothing private. All that was going on between her and Kaz was much more intimate. She would never get the idea to compare these two. Yet, they weren't a couple. She was is right-hand-man.

As Y/n and Jesper sat in the Slat, it was already late. They had just returned from a mission, both were tired and exhausted.
Jesper longed for Wylan.
Y/n secretly longed for Kaz. Though she wouldn't it to anybody.
It was as easy as that.
So the young woman leaned against the Sharpshooter, who layed his arm aroumd her. It was comfortable, to cuddle him. Just like cuddling family, a brother.
"I really can't wait for Kaz to return." She said, as she closed her eyes. Jesper chuckled.
"You really need to stop talking about the Bastard of the Barrel as if he's the biggest Softie in the world." She grinned.
"Ah, no. That title belongs to you, bimbo. But you don't know him like I do."

Jesper took a sip from his drink.
"I can't believe sweet, little Y/n has a spot for Dirtyhands himself. You must be really good at certain things to turn him soft." He silently said into the glass, fully aware of the fact that Kaz and Y/n didn't have sex. Didn't have anything, actually. Y/n now laughed loudly, giving him a soft claps against his thigh.
Suddenly, a monotone knocking against the floor caused both to look up. It was the crow cane, to be specific, Kaz with the crow cane.
He didn't smile at Y/n, like he did most of the time when he returned.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asked, raising his brow. Y/n shook her head.
"We only just returned from the mission. We were just joking around." She explained, standing up. "Sure." Kaz answered.

Jesper chuckled slightly again. That bastard was jealous. Jeaper had figured it out some time ago. Kaz had nothing to worry about. Jespers heart belonged to Wylan, and he knew damn well that Y/n would die for Kaz.
But it was fun to watch.
Especially, knowing that they both fancied each other without even realising.
Y/n gave Jesper a last smile and waved softly, before she followed Kaz up the stairs.

While Dirtyhands was still undressing and Y/n was making herself comfortable in his bed, he started talking.
"A bit close to Jesper, aren't we?" She laughed, until she realised he was serious.
"You must be joking." She said shocked.
"Why would I? I do not joke around. I just think it's a bit suspicious you spend so much time together. Seem to be really touchy too."
Y/n shook her head. He must be out of his head. "There's no reason for you to be jealous. Jesper is my best friend. That's it, nothing more. We're even less." She explained simply.

"I'm not jealous. I'm never jealous." Kaz answered, as he sat down at his table.
Y/n laughed bitterly.
"Of course not. All mighty Dirtyhands, Bastard of the Barrel, has no higher feelings. There's no fear, no love, so jealousy. Only spite and hatred. Come on Kaz, don't pull that move on me. I know you, better than you think I do. Don't put up this facade again, just because your pride is hurt. Don't you dare. That's not fair. I always treated you right, always respected you and you boundaries. This isn't fair from you." She sat up in his bed, ready to leave the room if he asked her to.

Kaz placed his head in his hands, growling.
"What am I supposed to tell you? I think I got the right to be jealous. You're closer to Jesper than you are to me." Dirtyhands said quietly.
Y/n finally stood up, walking to his table and leaning on it across of him.
"Why would you think you do? You're not my boyfriend." "What if I want to be?" The words spilled out so quickly that Kaz hadn't even realised them himself as they left his mouth.
Y/n's eyes grew big.
"So perhaps, I gave you the impression it's needed to be jealous. But I'm not closer to Jesper than I am to you. Yes, we are touchy. But that's Jes and I we're talking about. We're touchy with everyone. Just not with you, simply out of respect. All that is between us has much more depth than anything that could be between me and him. He loves Wylan. I love you. Alot." She breathed in deeply. The words were said, from both sides. They could not be taken back anymore.
Kaz finally looked up, locking his gaze with her. Her eyes spoke so much more words. It was pure and honest, longing. Kaz wanted to be mad, but he trusted her way too much. She was way too good.

The Bastard of the Barrel sighed. It took him a moment, to finally say these words.
"I love you. I don't want to loose you."
Y/n now smiled, really softly.
"You won't." And that was a promise.
They both knew.

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