Unsaid words {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: Kaz Brekker suspects you to go out with someone and he can't help to feel jealous. But unsaid words lead to unsaid confessions.

Warnings: Brief mention of abuse.

Kaz was almost completely sure Y/n was seeing someone. It had to be. There was no other explanation for her her being absent all the time, going out with bare hands, coming back with bags he assumed to be gifts.
She'd secretly giggle with Inej, gossip with Nina and whisper things into Jespers ears.
She avoided him. He hated it.

But Kaz had a plan. A new mission ahead of them, a mission that required all the crows.
Y/n would have to stay, spend time with him again. He called them into his office.
Dirtyhands announced it days ago. He expected all of them to attend and they wouldn't dare to let the Bastard of the Barrel hang down.
So on Friday, 10:00 pm, when all the Dregs were busy with drinking and Per Haskell was out doing his thing, all of the Crows were facing Kaz, who sat at his table.
All of the Crows, but not Y/n.

Kaz waited for her to arrive. He never did.
It was awkward, as they all just stared at him, expecting him to say something, while he was just scribbling things onto a paper.
"Are we're going to sit here forever, or will you finally say what you want to say?"
Nina asked impatiently, tapping her nails on the table.
"Where is Y/n?" Kaz asked the counter-question. "Does it matter?" Inej said carefully, after nobody else answered him for some time.
"If I tell you to attend a meeting, you attend. So yes, it matters." Kaz looked out of the window for a moment, before he looked back to the Crows. He sighed slightly.
"Birk Bantell." He then said. "He's a banker. And we're breaking into his place."

The meeting went on for two hours. They went through the entire plan. It would happen tomorrow. Y/n didn't attend.
Kaz didn't hesitate to let the others know that he was mad at her. But that wasn't the only thing. Kaz was jealous. Jealous, of whoever was the person she sacrificed her time for. The person that wasn't him.
The next morning, Kaz tapped his pencil on the table, his gaze was lost in the nowhere. Kaz didn't know what to think. He didn't feel like he had the right to have all these feelings. He couldn't help it.

Dirtyhands only woke out of his thoughts again as he heard a knock on his door.
There she stood, barefoot. Her heels were dangling from her hand. She looked tired, he thought, wearing a jacket that was much too loose and long. He could see the glimpse of a black, short dress under it.
"Mathias told me that you wanted to see me."
She started awkwardly, biting her lip.
"I know there was a meeting. I'm sorry that I wasn't there, Kaz."

He chuckled sarcastically.
"Oh no, you definitely look like you had better things to do. I'm sorry if my schedule was in your way." He waved towards her, as if he wanted to tell her to leave.
"No Kaz, no. Don't judge me now. I would never abandon the Crows for fun, I had my reasons." She said, as softly as she could.
Kaz looked into her face. Y/n looked honest.
He was disgusted by that. He knew she was lying, she had to. She wouldn't wear such clothes if not for something fun. Someone.

"Ah yes. Because, as we all know, you wear short dresses for business meetings. In the past years I only saw you wear something like this once, and that was to get close to a target. And now it's suddenly the most common piece in your wardrobe. I don't know, or care who you put that on for, but if you prioritise him over your team, over me, then maybe you should stay there." Kaz finally snapped, slamming his pencil on the table. Y/n opened her mouth, surprised and speechless.

Then she scoffed.
"And if I do? Don't act like you have the right to decide who I want to see and when I do it. It's none of your business what I'm doing with my life. You shouldn't care."
"But I do care!" Kaz said with a sharp tongue.
"Then stop." Y/n answered.

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