Jealousy {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: Y/n starts getting suspicious of how close Kaz and Inej have gotten. She decides to confront him. Ends in fluff.

Warnings: None.

When Y/n walked up the stairs to Kaz attic, she heard laughs from behind the closed door. Before she got to knock, said door was opened and Inej stumbled out. She looked surprised to see Y/n, but gave her a slight smile and said hello. Y/n gave her the same reaction.
She had always liked Inej. She was kind, caring and gentle. And Inej was awfully close to Kaz.
It was always something that had bothered the young women, far before she got into a relationship with Kaz. She knew that Inej was the first person he was able to touch.

Jealousy was deadly. It would mess with good things and make you believe they're poisoning you. Unfortunately, Y/n had always been a jealous person. She really tried her best to not be. But Inej and Kaz got closer these past weeks. It was horrible, because Y/n knew she had no right to feel all of this. So next to the jealousy, soon there was guilt. Then the wish to distance herself. She didn't. At least not the way she used to.
She was proud of that, because she fought a demon all alone. But keeping up as if nothing was bothering her wasn't clever either.
Kaz noticed she was weird around him. She was quiet and kept a tiny bit more distance than usually. Enough for him to realise.

So when she entered his room and closed the door, they both were preparing to talk about it.
As Kaz opened his mouth, so did Y/n. He
waved to her, so she would go first.
"Kaz, I know I got no right to be jealous. Or maybe I do, since were together, but surely not on Inej. But the thing is, I am. I can't help it. I try not to be, but I'm struggling with it. I love Inej and I love you much more, but it still hurts incredibly to see you two being so incredibly close. Laughing together, touching." She fidgeted with her hands.
"If something is happening, I need to know what I've done wrong. And how long it's been going on. Was it that I never paid enough attention? Or did I not give enough affection?
So maybe I'm crazy, but I just need to know or else I will go insane."

Y/n stayed surprisingly calm. She knew that maybe she was foolish and all of it was completely unnecessary, but talking about it would be the only chance to solve his.
Kaz breathed in deeply. That was not what he had expected. He already figured out she was getting suspicious, but not of something like this. So Kaz began to talk.
"Inej is my best friend." "I know!" Y/n quickly responded. "That's why I felt like it was unfounded." Kaz shook his head.
"It's not. We were closer, the past weeks." Y/n's eyes grew big. She didn't expect that.
"But nothing is going on. At least not what you think. Look..." Kaz turned around and took a paper from his table that he handed towards his girlfriend. She wrinkled her forehead, but took the paper. It was a real estate offer, a small house here in Ketterdam, close to the Barrel but still far enough away to enjoy peace.

"What is that?" She asked concerned, looking up to Kaz again. Dirtyhands smirked. "The surprise I prepared. Inej helped me to decide. I'm not really someone who knows how to choose a home based on comfort and safeness." She chuckled softly. "You mean..."
"That I brought a house. For us. That's the secret Inej and I kept."
Y/n suddenly felt so stupid. She could feel her cheeks taking upon a deep red colour, as she avoided looking into Kaz eyes.

"We don't need to move there." Kaz answered simply. She shook her head. "Of course we will!" Her grin grew bigger, as Kaz took a step towards her to kiss her forehead carefully.
All the jealousy was gone. Y/n suddenly was the happiest girl in all of Ketterdam.

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