Ketterdam nights {Jesper Fahey}

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Summary: On a free night, Jesper takes Y/n out on a date through the streets of Ketterdam.

Warnings: None.

Y/n was joking around with Nina. They sat in the Slat, their empty plates pushed aside.
The two of them only returned from a mission two hours ago, now waiting for someone, anyone to enter the Slat so they had something to do. It was an unusual situation that they actually had some time off, but Kaz told them there wasn't anything to do at the moment. "We could go to the Crow Club."
Nina suggested and shrugged. Y/n scoffed.
"Please, as if that's something special. I hate gambling." The grisha laughed. "You're Jespers girlfriend, how can you hate gambling?"
Now Y/n started giggling too.
"Perhaps, because he gambles away all the money he could invest into tulips for me." The young woman joked.

Suddenly, she could feel someones breath in her neck. "Not all of it." A voice next to her right ear said, holding a small bouquet of tulips in front of her. She grinned brightly. "Jesper!"
Y/n exclaimed happily, turning around to throw her arms around his neck.
He returned the hug and gave her a gentle kiss on the head.
The sharpshooter looked apologetic towards Nina, handing the flowers to his girlfriend and taking her other hand in his. "I'm really sorry Nina, but you will have to dispense this lovely lady." He told her, pulling Y/n out of the Slat.

It was dark outside. The streets of Ketterdam were incredibly full with people, mostly tourists. "Where are you taking me?" She asked, biting her lip to finally stop grinning like and idiot. Her nose was invaded with the smell of the colourful tulips in her hands.
"To your right you can see the home of the Dregs, also called the Slat. Most infamous residents include the Bastard of the Barrel or his Wraith. They have a tendency to eyefuck." She laughed. So Jes was playing tour guide for her. She wouldn't ask further questions. This would be fun.

They soon arrived at the Exchange. All of the stores in Ketterdam had already closed, yet loads of tourists streamed through the streets.
"Right to your left is the Exchange, considered the heart of Ketterdam. Also the place where infamous Jesper Fahey lost his heart, sharing is first proper kiss with a beautiful young women that will remain a legend." Y/n laughed loudly.
Jesper grinned. She had fun, so he was getting close to his goal. She looked beautiful standing there, hair waving in the wind, shoulders bouncing from her laughs. He teeth showed, her nose wrinkled and she tried to hide it behind her hand. Jesper took said hand and pushed it away.

"So just to get an idea of how magical that moment was, let me offer the experience to you." The sharpshooter said softly, as he leaned in to kiss her. She returned the kiss. It started as a gently one, that soon turned into a small snogging session, not bothering with the people that walked all around them.
Jesper was the one who forced himself to push away. "As much as I would love to take this elsewhere to continue, we need to move on. My program isn't finished yet." He winked as she groaned.

The next place that Jesper took her was a small park in East Stave, close to the harbour. Y/n had walked past by it several times, but never actually walked through. It turned out to be a lovely place. There were many plants, not only one's that you saw usually in Kerch, but also many exotic blooms. Jesper stopped on a small bridge that led over a pond. It was a stunning szenery, with all the different colours and the pond that reflected the moonlight.
The sharpshooter had stopped to unexpectedly, that Y/n ran into him. He turned around and took her chin between his thumb and index finger, causing her to look up to him.

"Now to the most beautiful stop of our tour through Ketterdams night life. I'm not talking about the flowers, the pond or the park. It's me. I'm the prettiest." Jesper joked, making the young woman laugh again.
Jesper grinned satisfied. "No, seriously. If I would have to show you the most beautiful thing you can find in Ketterdam, I would simply put up a mirror before you." The sharpshooter flirtet, which caused Y/n to blush. It was something incredibly cocky to say, but Jesper meant his words. He brushed over her lips with his thumb. They were soft and reddish, from all the moments she bit on them so far to hide her grin. He smirked, as he leaned in for yet another kiss.

When they left the park, both looked messy. Their hair was tangled, blouses unbottond a bit. Their cheeks had a soft, pink flush over them. "Is there another place you plan to take me?" She asked, taking his hand.
"One last one, yeah. We gotta finish this tour properly." She chuckled.
"Oh, that felt really properly." Now he laughed too, loudly. "Close, but not what I meant."
Jesper licked his lips, pulling her further into Ketterdams streets.

Their last stop turned out to be a really small restaurant in the Barrel. Y/n recognised it as the one they had their first date in, two years ago. "You really overdone yourself with all that you did tonight, Jes." "If we get the chance to take some time off, I better offer you a good program love." He said, pushing the chair back for her as she sat down.
"Order whatever you like." He told her.

The entire dinner, Jesper never took his eyes off of Y/n. She did most of the talking, bubbly and happy and absolutely adorable. Jesper had almost finished his food when she barely even started, to busy with chattering.
Her eyes would glow up, she twisted hairstreaks between her fingers. Every now and then, Jesper brushed some hair out of her face. He admired her endlessly.
When she was finally ready with eating, his food was long gone. They shared one last glass of wine, before he paid and they began to walk back to the Slat.

It had gotten cold outside, most of the tourists now gone, only a few of those who wanted to use every second of their trip could still be seen. Still, it felt like all of Ketterdam belonged to them. Jespers arm layed around her, his jacket over her shoulders, his hat on her head.
"Thank you so much Jes. It wouldn't be an understatement to say, that this was probably the most beautiful night of my entire life."
The sharpshooter grinned. "Ah come one, now you're flattering me." He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.
That night, Y/n was the happiest girl in all of Ketterdam. The title for the happiest person went to Jesper, simply because he got to look at his entire world for so long.

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