The beach {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: The Crows decide to take a roadtrip to the beach. Kinda modern. Basically just Kaz Brekker fluff.

Warnings: None.

The minibus was incredibly full and stuffy. All of the windows were opened, the air conditioning system was on and it still would barely cool down. Matthias drove. Of course he did. He wouldn't trust anyone else with his car. Nina sat next to him. Right behind them were Wylan, Jesper and Inej.
Sitting in the last line were Y/n and Kaz. Dirtyhands hated how close they all were, but otherwise they wouldn't fit in. His biggest solace was, that the person who's arm was touching his, was his girlfriend.
Closeness didn't come easy to him, but it was more comfortable once it was with someone he loved.

The car wasn't only brinful, but also noisy.
The music was turned on, Nina chose it and the playlist included almost only things Kaz would never listen to. At the moment it was Kesha, Die young, and Kaz would rather shoot himself than listening to it willingly.
Jesper was busy making plans, on his lap he had beach toys. Wylan was mocking him about it. Nina was surprisingly calm, in her hand the breadbox Y/n had handed her a few minutes ago. She was eating waffles.
Inej was reading, but she didn't turn the page once for several minutes, instead laughing with her friends.
Y/n was making the most jokes, exited and happy. Kaz was glad about that. She was always worrying too much, she deserved this moment of pure joy. Kaz himself was quiet, a slight smirk on his lips. He couldn't take his eyes off of his girl.

"There it is!" Jesper suddenly exclaimed, so loudly that it startled Kaz out of his thoughts.
There it was, the beach. Completely empty, the sand was so light, it almost seemed white and the water had a deep blue tone. The sun stood high. "I'm so excited. This will be so much fun."
"You act like you've never seen the beach." Kaz scoffed. "I didn't." Jesper agreed.
"You will love it. The beach is amazing." Y/n was already collecting her things.
"Hand me the box, Nina." "No way! I claim these waffles as mine!" The Heartrender pressed the box against her chest in protest.
"Then keep it." Y/n sighed, but grinned.

The moment the car had stopped, Jesper climbed over Wylan to get out.
Y/n stretched. "Saints, I can't wait to finally move my legs again." The young woman said.
"I'll just guess you wont swim?" She reassured herself, turning to Kaz. He simply shook his head no. Once everyone was out, the overexcited Jesper immediately started undressing, revealing swimming trunks under his clothes. Nina took it as an invitation to do the same. The two of them ran into the water, even before Matthias had opened the back of his truck. "They can't even clean up after themselves." Kaz said, looking down to their stuff, that they just left right next to the car. Inej started picking it up.

"Let them." Y/n chuckled softly, while she took her bag out of the car.
"I can't think of any kind of holidays we had in... forever, actually." Kaz took her bag from her hands, taking his out of the trunk as well, carrying them both with one hand. The other one leaned onto his crow cane.
Dirtyhands was dressed way to thick for the weather and the beach. It wasn't really his thing. He only came along for Y/n's sake.
Kaz couldn't possibly leave her alone with these bimbos.

Matthias was the first who started setting their stuff up. As he struggled with one of the big sunshades they took along, Wylan helped him.
In the meanwhile, Kaz placed his and Y/n's towels on the ground. Saints, he wouldn't help the others with their stuff. If they decided to take so many things along, they should deal with it too. Y/n was setting up their sunshade.
It wasn't easy and also heavy, Kaz didn't like her to do that, but he couldn't, due to his leg. It felt even stiffer and ached after the long car ride. But he watched in amusement, as Matthias came to help her, only to see both of them struggling.

A few minutes later they had all settled down somewhere. Wylan was busy digging a hole into the sand. Kaz couldn't figure out why, but Jesper seemed to enjoy it too, helping his boyfriend taking out the sand after he mocked him about it first. Matthias and Nina were in the water, splashing each other with it, until the former Drüskelle picked the women up and threw her in once. Inej told the others not to bother her, picking out her book again to continue reading. She fell asleep after a few minutes, now snoring really lightly.

Kaz was not sitting on his towel, but instead one of the two camping chairs they brought along. He had undressed his shoes and socks, digging his feet into the cold sand. He undressed his gloves and vest too, rolling up is pant legs and sleeves, unbottoning his shirt a little.
Y/n was sitting right next to him. She had pulled her hair up, only dressed in her swimwear, busy applying sunscreen. Kaz tried not to look, but he couldn't help it either. He had never seen her wearing this little before, and he couldn't stop to admire her body.

"Kaz? If you don't want to do it that's okay, then I'll go and ask one of the others, but could you help me to apply the sunscreen on my back?" She suddenly asked carefully.
Kaz opened his mouth in surprise.
He still struggled, but he was making steps forward too. They held hands a few times and if his leg allowed it, she'd sit on his lap sometimes. Kaz shrugged slightly.
"Okay." He simply answered, taking the bottle from her hands. "Are you sure? I could wake Inej, or get Nina, or..." "It's fine, really" Dirtyhands reassured her.

She turned around, unclipping her bikini top so he could reach her back easier.
Kaz breathed in deeply. Her skin looked soft, and tanned and absolutely not dull and lifeless. He opened the bottle and pressed some of the content into his hand, before he started massaging it into her back. It was okay for him. It didn't felt scary and it didn't cause panic.
Y/n enjoyed his hand on her back. She was really living off of the breadcrumbs of his touch, but it was okay for her. The moment felt much more intimate than it would with anyone else.

"Sex on the beach is not allowed!" Nina suddenly exclaimed, which caused Kaz to drop the bottle. Matthias laughed, wrapping his girl in his towel and scrubbing the water off of her.
Y/n giggled too. "Thank you Kaz, really."
She said so quietly that only he could hear it. He gave her a soft smile, one he would only ever give to Y/n.
Maybe the beach wasn't that bad after all.

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