Easy target {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: The crows plan to rob a Barrel Boss and approach him over his daughter. Kaz starts to feel something towards her.

Warnings: Mentions of death through a gun.

She was a simple task. Nothing more, nothing less. When Y/n first walked into the Crow Club, she got drunk and told everybody who her father was. That's when the plan was made. It only needed one exchanged look between Kaz and the Crows for them to know, that Kaz planned a heist.

Y/n was surprisingly carefree, especially given to the fact that the Dregs surely weren't the only ones that had found interest in her.
She giggled, talked, drank and repeated the circle all the time. The plan was simple.
Gain her trust, make her fall for someone, get close. Make her believe the Dregs meant safety.
Now the question was, who she should fall for.
First joice was between Jesper and Nina, depending on her preference. But Jesper backed out quickly after Wylan showed his disapproval. He would've accepted it, but Kaz didn't want to be the reason of a crisis in their relationship, even though he wouldn't want to admit it. Matthias didn't want to do it.
He said it even before he was considered. Nina agreed, not because she was jealous, but because she knew Matthias would suck at approaching the girl.
Now, the issue was that they were running out of males. Kaz wanted a Crow for the job. So last but not least, they decided that Kaz would do it.

On the first evening they started the plan, Nina and Kaz both approached Y/n. She was openly joking with Nina, when Kaz asked if she wanted a drink. She agreed, excusing herself to Nina. The grin she had on her lips and the soft blush made clear that she was interested in Kaz. So he did buy her a drink, letting slip that the place was his. It was an awkward interaction at first, because Kaz struggled with things like this. He kept his distance, to keep himself safe. But Y/n did most of the talking.

She was actually a nice girl, but Kaz wouldn't admit that. She didn't seem to be spoiled either. She liked rum and pancakes. She also liked to take walks in the rain. She preferred the rain over the sun. Dirtyhands liked her.
They met seven times before he started admitting it to himself. She also integrated greatly into the Dregs. Nina and her went out for waffles and she sucked even more at gambling than Jesper, so he could finally win against someone. Y/n actually wasn't helpless either. She always had a punchline when she joked with the Dregs and one time, when Inej showed her how to throw a knife, she told them about her talent in shooting. Two days later she won in it against Jesper.

She started trusting the Dregs much sooner than Kaz had thought.
She now needed to fall or him too. Love made girls blind, that would be the last straw to get what they were looking for.
It was Friday, a few hours before Y/n would visit him, when Specht knocked on the door of Kaz' office. It was odd, since Specht almost never did. He looked a bit nervous, tapping from one feet to another, taking his time to talk. He only started when Kaz began to tap on the table.

"I don't think we should go on with the plan."
He finally said, looking Kaz in the eyes. The Bastard of the Barrel raised his eyebrows.
"Excuse me?"
"Y/n is a nice girl, she tries her best to get to know everyone and to fit in. She doesn't deserve to be used like this." Specht leaned onto the table, Kaz looked at him for a brief moment before he sighed.
"You're supposed to follow the commands, not question them." Specht stood up straight again.
"But-" "Get out." Dirtyhands finally snapped at him, without giving him any attention.
But Kaz considered it, for a brief moment. That it was unfair. That Y/n didn't deserve it.
But that's not how things worked for them.
Specht was the first one. Rotty and all of the Crows, one by one, followed.

When Y/n came over that day, Kaz was already putting on his coat. "So, where are you taking me?" Dirtyhands asked. The young woman grinned. "My favourite place in all of Ketterdam."
Against Kaz' believes, her favourite place wasn't fancy or expensive. Her favourite place were the docks, including a tiny pancake stand.
Kaz paid, even though she insisted that she could do it.

It was a really calm moment, the first one they shared. She didn't giggle and talk, she just simply sat on the bench next to him and ate her pancakes. She surprisingly sensed that Kaz didn't like to be touched and she respected his boundaries. It was a pure moment and not awkward at all.
"It's my mommy's favourite place."
Mommy. Kaz held back a scoff.
"I came here everyday since she died."
Oh. What was he supposed to say about that?
Kaz opened his mouth but closed it again. He never talked about the people he lost. But she started, so maybe he...
"You know that you don't need to ignore it."
Y/n suddenly chuckled softly.

So Kaz opened his mouth again.
"When? How?"
"Five months ago, before I started coming to the Crow Club. I needed to get out from home. Dad stopped talking to me. He's devastated, still. It's weird. He's that though guy on the outside, but he wouldn't only have died but also killed for mommy. She was shot."
Shot? Well, all Barrel like. Money couldn't save you from everything after all.
"I'm sorry." He finally said, even before he processed the meaning of his words.
"Don't be. We all make our sacrifices. We all lost someone. We all will loose someone. But we also find knew people, that's why I'm glad I came into the Crow Club."
You won't be much longer, Kaz thought.

So when the day of the heist arrived, Kaz decided to back out. It wasn't fair. Her father had money, he was a Barrel Boss, but he only did his job. It was a sudden decision, it wasn't planned. He just saw the red dot and his calendar and walked down the stairs in a rush, forgetting his cane and almost tripping, to tell the Dregs. They looked surprised, all of them, including his Crows.
"The heist is called off." He exclaimed loudly, looking towards a clearly proud Specht.
"We leave Y/n's family alone. We won't mention this to her and y'all will still treat her the same." "What heist?" Y/n's soft voice from the door suddenly called. The spines inside her head clearly began to turn. "You meant to rob my father." She then realised. Nina was the first to stand up and walk towards her, trying to grab her arms softly. Y/n immediately moved a step back. "What did I even expect." She said, as Jesper tried to walk up to her too. Then she left the Slat.
Kaz muttered some curses under his breath.

It was almost midnight when Kaz came back into his room. He walked to the docks. He thought she would be there. He hoped.
She wasn't.
But when he turned the light switch on, she sat leaning against his bed. She didn't look up, hugging her legs tightly.
"Why would you do that?" She asked genuinely. Kaz sighed.
"Because you were there. Because you seemed like an easy target, willing to spill information. Because it's my job." She scoffed, for the first time since they had met.
"I know it is. My dad teached me how to kill guys when I was nine. Because it's his job. But it still hurts, you know? I've trusted you."
"I called it off." Kaz meant it as an apology. She knew, but she wouldn't accept it like that. Y/n didn't say a word. Kaz sat down beside her.

"I wanted to get through with it. I always do it. I didn't know you, you only were a target for me. It's not that I planned to fall for you. But don't blame the Crows, they wanted to talk me out of the plan weeks ago." She finally looked at him, with big eyes. "What?"
"I said to not bla-" She shook her head. "No, no. You said you fell for me!" Kaz raised his eyebrows in surprise. "No." He simply said.
"I didn't."
"Kaz Brekker, if you meant what you said don't be a coward now. Because I fell for you too."
And suddenly they both faced their greatest fear. The fear of letting people in and the fear of falling for a man like her dad. But it wasn't a plan. It couldn't be planned.

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