Flowers {Kaz Brekker}

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Summary: As a bouquet of her favourite flowers is found in Y/n's room, they crows try to figure out who placed it there. Kaz has the answer. Fluff.

Warnings: None.

"Well, I didn't put them there." Y/n said, as she looked at the flowers on her dresser.
"But someone has. Now the question is, who?" Nina answered, taking a step forward to smell at the lilacs. Y/n sighed.
The flowers were beautiful. They had a deep bluish, purple colour and smelled like heaven. Lilacs were her favourite flowers. It was common knowledge around the Crows, because every time a mission was successful, she would reward herself by buying some.
But this time, she didn't.

"Well it must have been one of us." Y/n finally exclaimed, as her door opened and Jesper and Wylan peaked in.
"Uhhh, pretty." The Sharpshooter said, walking into her small room to smell the blooms, just like Nina did a few seconds ago.
"Since you're so amazed by them, I just assume neither of you put them here." Nina noticed, as both boys shook their head no.
"Don't you know who did?" The shooters boyfriend still held the door open and stood in the frame. "In fact, we do not."

"Are y'all having a secret meeting? I thought we were getting waffles." Inej gave Y/n a soft grin as she entered her room through the opened window, looking at Y/n and expecting an answer. Then her eyes fell to the flowers.
"Got a secret admirer?" She asked, the waffledate with Nina and Y/n completely forgotten. While the other Crows laughed at that, Y/n scoffed. "No, no, that must be some kind of misunderstanding."
"What kind of misunderstanding is it, to put someone's favourite flowers in their room." Matthias said, suddenly standing next to Wylan in the doorway. Y/n clicked her tongue.

She raised her arms and growled.
"Where are y'all suddenly coming from?"
It was a rhetorical question, they all knew.
"But since obviously none of us put them here, who else could it be?" Wylan observed.
All of them shrugged, none of the Crows was able to answer that question.
"Maybe it's a threat." Matthias tried to offer an explanation, but Inej shook her head at that. "No, that doesn't seem to be one. Wasn't there any card or a letter?"

Nina laughed. "We wouldn't stand here if there would've been one." "Maybe Rotty or Specht?" Jesper suspected. It was true, both guys liked Y/n alot. They made sure she was okay, kept weird guys away from her. A bit like a nice uncle. But they weren't one's, that would put up flowers in her room without even mentioning it, so Y/n answered it with no.
"It's was probably just one of the younger recruits. They got a habit to fancy the few women we got within the Dregs." She instead said, getting nods of agreement from Inej and Nina. "How disappointingly boring." Jesper sighed deeply.

"What the hell is going on?" A voice behind Wylan and Matthias suddenly asked. As the two men made space in the doorframe, Kaz gaze observed the tiny room, staying just a bit longer on Y/n, until it finally landed on the flowers. The young woman looked quite lovely today, her hair looked soft and she was dressed in a casual attire. Kaz liked that, though he wouldn't admit it. For a brief moment, the corners of his lips curled up into the smallest smirk. "I placed them there. I guess that will answer all your questions."

At the stunned faces from all of the Crows, including Y/n, his grin grew a tiny bit bigger. It wasn't a soft smile, he instead looked amused, almost as if he was mocking them all.
"Don't flatter yourself. I saw them and they reminded me of you. Also, your birthday is next week." He told them, before the monotone clicking of his cane on the wooden panels could be heard and he vanished into his office again.

As soon as he was gone, they all looked to her, as if she knew more than they did.
Kaz Brekker didn't gift you flowers. That simply wouldn't happen, yet it did.
"Did you pull a trick on him?" Matthias asked, the first one who's stunned expression was replaced by an amused one. Y/n shrugged.
She could feel her cheeks getting hot, and despite all that Kaz said, she did feel flattered. They all knew that this was more than a nice act of human decency or an early birthday present. It was a small confession towards Y/n. It was the statement, that she was Brekkers girl.

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