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Ahahana and Aruhi become ready for their outing Armaan and Adi are waiting for them on the car . Ahahana and Aruhi came and sit beside their husband .
Adi and Aruhi on back sit and
Armaan on driving sit and Ahahana on passenger sit .

They are visiting many palace and having fun .

Aruhi : let's go for shopping

Ahahana : Aru we don't need shopping we have shopping before coming india .

Armaan : So what you shop from there , We should as also see what we found here . Let's go .

Ahahana : You all are impossible all time shopping now what can I say let's go .

They all went to a famous shopping mall and started seeing dress .

Ahahana and Aruhi are started selecting dress and their husband also helping for selection  after giving bill came out from mall but Aruhi bump into someone and it's none other than the Arhaan Rathore

Arhaan : Have you lost your eyes can't you see before walking

Aruhi : I can say same you mr CM .you broke my phone said that she took her

Arhaan : oh phone , you stupid girl  .

Said that they angerly leave the place

Aruhi : that's stupid man made my mood off , Di(sister) Please go and punch him .

Ahahana : What !...are you made what type of behavior is this . He is your elder and Why the hell I will punch him

Aruhi : Why not ? In childhood  once a boy mock me remember and you punch him

Ahahana : Aru that's time I was child

Armaan : Aruhi I think in this matter you should asked help from your husband . Your sister's punch can't hurt CM but Adi's punch can knock out him .

Aruhi : But he won't agree .

Ahahana : Why you sending your poor brother if you have this much eager to punch him then go yourself or you got scared .

Adi : Bhabi (sister in law ) why are you wokeing up sleeping lion .  If he goes to do the honor then I am sure CM will go to haven in that moment .

Aruhi : Wow bhai it's will really fun

Ahahana disbleavely look at her sister and husband .

Ahahana : Now let's go home it's already late .

Others : Yes let's go .

At night Rathore Mansion

Arhaan : Grandpa people are more interest to work with AR empire then us .

Mr RATHORE : You talk all our trusted client .

Arhaan : Yes and they are also are not helping any way .

Mr Rathore: All are selfish .

Ahaan : Grandpa I have a silution .

Mr Rathore : Say

Ahaan : How about we join ours hand with AR's .

Mr Rathore: WHAT?

Very good idea said a voice

Mr Rathore : Raajveer , came .

Raajveer : Avinash I think it will be profitable for the business . Our unnecessary competition make us loss .

Mr Rathore: I don't think after what you and Ahaan did They will agree .

Raajveer : I will apologize to them but you have to make them agree . Rathore empire one of the best empire it will made our share value increase if we two become pathner .

Arhaan : Grandpa , what do you think ?

Mr Rathore : fixed meeting with him .

Raajveer (mind) : it's will help Anjali to be close with AR .

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