Chapter -26

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At AR mansion .

In Armaan and Ahahana's room

Aahana was laughing from past 30 minutes and Armaan just watching her helplessly .

How many hour are you plan to laugh asked Armaan

What can I do I can't control myself the world come to know that who is the wives of The great AR brothers but they didn't but they are going to become no 1 business man in Asia .

That time they were busy for their own wedding so may be didn't got time to see ours reception picture . said Armaan

You know in my whole life I didn't enjoy this much first that Divya arora how funny she look when I sit on her chair and then Aruhi , They try to buy the co-owner wife for spy their company how fanny whenever I thinking about it I could not control my laugh . said Ahahana

You know people say I am devil but you are upper than me said armaan

You may devil or not but you are a greatest arrogant I am trying to act like you in from that divya witch but it didn't happened like you said Ahahana

Are you serious ,you are trying to copy me said Armaan

Yes , so what you are my husband I can copy you said Ahahana

Before Armaan could answer Armaan phone rang and he received the phone it was kia Ahahana's PA .

Armaan :Hello

Kia : Sir . Mr Rathore and CM want to talk to tomorrow and we got the information which madam asked We are sending via e.mail and what we told Mr Rathore .

Armaan :Asked ms . mehara about my free time tomorrow and give them the time . and sent the information quickly .

Kia :ok . sir

Than a notification come and Armaan asked Ahahana to open the mail

Ahahana open them and Ahahan started to read

Avantika oberoi daughter of vijay rajvanshi wife of prithvi Oberoi after father's death adopt by Abinash Rathore vijay's friend husband died on plane crash . died in childbirth only owner of Rajvanshi and Oberoi property which is now operated by Rajveer Arora and Divya Arora Singh .

They become shocked after knowing this information .

Ahahana look at armaan and said its that mean they also involved sending or say stealing us and send us far . And Ahaan Rathore also involved directly but we don't have any prove .

May be or may be not but why that Rajveer and his daughter do all this but now its time to gets all the things which is yours .
They sent all the certificate to being you alive so now my plan change first you have to get your rights which are you from your father .

Tomorrow they have to loss their another thing which is rightfully yours .

Ahahana nod understanding his plan .

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