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Ahaan and Anjali started their working . Ahaan made Anjali understand everything because he also can't give his full time he also have to see political problem so Anjali have to handle major part .
As all Rathore family though Anjali is best in bussiness .

But Anjali's focus Is AR brothers more than bussiness she always try to woo them but as if they is or will noticed .

Aruhi enter the office and went to Armaan cabin to give him files

Aruhi : Armaan bhai here the project paper the work is done now we have to the the project land .

Armaan : ok . I think we should not l as late and sent Adi 

Aruhi: ok

Aruhi send Adi to the cabin

Armaan : Adi I am going out of town for two days to see the land .

Adi : I will also accompany you . Saniya is not here so I should come with you.

Armaan : ok . And After coming back we go back to nyc for wedding . Everything is arrange . Sara maa also want it happened quick .

Adi : it's good .

After finishing their work they come to AR mansion

Ahahana : So how is the day .

Armaan : All good but I and and adi going out of town for two days for seeing a project land .

Aruhi : Why I and do not ?

Adi : Aruhi we are not going to vacation that you accompany us and company also need some one to be here I don't trust that Woman daughter .

Armaan : After coming back we are going Nyc for marriage it will help next week .

Aruhi : wow . It's very good news . We also give some tour to Rathore mansion .

Adi : Why . Now what cooking on your brain ?

Aruhi : Not much just trying to befriend with them to know more about them .

Armaan : ok but be safe

Ahahana and Aruhi : we will

Next day after bid bye Adi and Armaan Aruhi and Ahahana go to give your to Rathore mansion

In Rathore mansion .

A car enter into the premises Mrs Rathore who is on the garden saw Ahahana and Aruhi come out from the car .
Mrs Rathore become happy to see them and went to them

Mrs Rathore: how are you two ?

Ahahana : we are fine . Armaan went for some bussiness meeting out of town so we thought give a visit to you

Mrs Rathore : you did good . Come inside .

Seeing Them Mr Rathore also become happy and asked how are you my granddaughters where are son-in-laws

Aruhi : they out of town for bussiness .

Mr Rathore nodded his head understanding .

On Balcony all ladies were gathered and gossiping .

Aruhi : Shanaya di tell me one things why my two brother and grandpa are so  weird

Shanaya : what do you mean werid

Aruhi : Mean like typical old gumpy .

Mrs Rathore : Aruhi he is elder to you don't say like that .

Aruhi : but it's funny to see them like that .

Mrs Rathore : leave that you tell that how is your life going .

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