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Next morning in Rathore mansion .

After breakfast men were getting ready than some police officer come .

Arhaan : What happened officers is there any problems that you have to come here ?

Officer : yes .sir we are come to arrested mr Rajveer Arora .

Arhaan : What .....? Are you in sense officer don't you know who is he ?

Officer : I know sir but the matter is serious you see it in your own eyes than he gave his phone .

(In video the yesterday the man and woman conversion play )

Arhaan : what the hell is this raj grandpaa

Raj become shocked to see the video .

Mr Rathore : Raj what is this ? And officer who complain

Officer :Mr AR and as you know your hire authority also with him so we can't do anything

Mr Rathore : why don't you arrest that she is the one who fraud with them

Officer :We can't because she didn't fruad she is the one who took information . sorry sir. boys arrest him .

They take the rajveer with them . After that .
Ahaan :How dare she ? She backstabbing us ?

Arhaan :you also involved in this ?

Ahaan kept quite .

Arhaan:answer me Ahaan you also involved in this matter .

Ahaan :yes.

And he told everything .

Mr Rathore : You stupid , without informing us why you two took this steps .

Ahaan :our plan is good but that woman .

Mr Rathore : get information about the woman why she double cross us .

Mr Rajput : She is not double cross . It your grandson and business partner stupidity .

Mr Rathore : What do you mean ?

Mr Rajput : See the news you got to know .

In television - breaking news the Rathore group & co partner mr Rajveer Arora and his trusted man got arrest for doing fraud on AR empires .
The legal adviser and the co owner of AR empire's Ad's wife mrs Aruhi fired the complained as they try to took legal documents by money but now the question is that Rathores are also involved in this or not the inquiry is running .

Ahaan :She is Ad's wife how can we don't knew that .

Mr Rathore : Now you kept quite Ahaan nobody should know that you also involved . your stupidity made my reputation damage .

Ahaan didn't said anything

In AR Palace

Well done ,Aruhi you made him arrested very quickly if he also come out we make this sure the case isn't closed . said Adi

Ahahana : I don't believe that will be this easy he is such a fool

Armaan : but now they will be alert we should have to be careful . and Ahahana which information you asked to kia

Ahahana : Its our parents background and who is the person who steal us .

Armaan : You got to know them soon .

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