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At Rathore mansion

Arhaan and Ahaan are sitting in study room and descusing about bussiness matter .

Ahaan : Bhai(brother) don't you think something fishy ?

Arhaan : About what's matter ?

Ahaan :  About Divya aunty and Anjali's matter ?

Arhaan : I am also thinking about it . Through Grandpa thinking it's Anjali's mistake or fault but I am feeling it's serious matter .

Ahaan : Not only that Anjali who spend most of her life in Usa how can she do something big like that .

Arhaan : Are you want to say that it's not her mistake she do it deliberately and someone helping her .

Ahaan : Exjectly , The fraud that found on the deal is not simple . it's done very claverly . Only a sharped bussinessman can found it and most importantly we don't check the paper before going forward if AR don't told us we never know as we trust Divya aunty and Anjali .

Arhaan : You are right  it's not that simple  we have to deep into this matter .  I will talk to our team to dig this matter

Ahaan : I also think Divya aunty know about it  .

Arhaan : we can not said anything as you know how important people they are for grandpa .

Ahaan angerly : Yes and that's why baripapa(elder uncle) is not will us now .

Arhaan : Ahaan that's was different situations , forget about that .

Ahaan : but bhai(brother) if I have found out in all the fraud fasico  they involved that then they will see what Ahaan Rathore is ? After giving this much important if they betrayal us then nobody can save them from me .

Arhaan : you very well know that I hate betrayal so you don't have asked me anything if the matter as you say .

Otherside at AR empire

Today is very busy day as today they have back to back meeting .

After finishing all meeting they finalize the deal  they return back to home .

At it's was already late they go to their room for fresh up

Armaan enter into the room and saw Aahaha already fall asleep .

He go towards her and made her branket properly as he already informed her for his late coming and having dinner outside .

After fresh up he also lie beside her and fall asleep .

At midnight Aahana woke up and her husband sleeping peacefully . She look at him for sometime then slowly move her hand infront of to made sure he is in deep sleep . Then slowly got up from bed and slowly  come out of her room.
Then went to kitchen and started searching food ,

Aahaha : don't worry baby we Mom is searching something for your eating .

And then found some sweet in the freeze and she happily started eating

On the otherside Aruhi's room she gets up feeling thirsty as the jug   is empty she went towards kitchen after sometime a loud scarm eco on the AR mansion .

Armaan got up listening listening loud scram and found beside him is empty , he quickly take his revolver and run downstairs .
Aditiya also do the same and come downstairs

Two brothers quickly cover their wife without notice each other and terget the gun to the person .

Armaan and Aditiya both together : How dare you to attack my wife . And look at each other acknowledge other presence

Other person fearly : Please leave me Mr Ghost I didn't attack your wife . How can I  attack your ghost wife . I don't want to die also I am newly got married don't kill me .

Listening the voice Armaan and Aditya look at each other then Adi go to switch on the light . And the person is no other than the Saniya Ayan Rathore standing there closing her eyes fearfully .

Armaan : What the hell Saniya ?

Saniya opening her eyes said Maan bahi you . Then look at Aruhi and Aahana .Then sign in relief .

Saniya : It's was you two I thought it's ghost .
what are u two doing in the at this hour?

Aruhi : I come here to fill water and saw so got scard .

Aahana : Baby was feeling hungry so we come to eat food .

Listening this Armaan said you should call me why you come along . said he took her in bridal style and took her to room .

Aditiya also do same as Aruhi also get scard .

Saniya : At least you two should consider about my present my husband is not here who will take to my room

Adi and Armaan : go on your feet said that they despare to their room

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