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After taking Aruhi Aditiya make her seattle on the bed .

Aditiya : Why are you shout that way ?

Aruhi : I thought a ghost enter into the house .

Adi : Really , You are get scared from ghost .

Aruhi : Are you making fun of me ?

Adi : I have not that capability to made make The great Aruhi Rathore .

Aruhi : Don't take Rathore sarname this much if that Divya Arora find out then surely she will sent the whole gang to kill us .

Aditiya seriously : Before that I will dig her on her own grave .

Aruhi : First made a good plan to trap her .

Adi : We already did , Now sleep .

Otherside Armaan and Aahana's room

Armaan made Aahana sit properly on the bed .

Armaan : You should at last called me if you feeling hungry why you go alone to the kitchen .

Aahana : You are sleeping that's why I don't want to disturb you .

Armaan : you thought not to disturb me or You want to do some adventure .

Aahana : it's not me it's baby who doing everything .
She said gumpingly .

Armaan : it's only five and half  months and your mood suing getting worst you know .

Aahana : You are mocking me now ?

Armaan : You are so cute.

Aahana : Whatever

Said that he took the blanket cover herself full and gone for sleep .

Armaan shook his head seeing his wife action and again go for sleep .

Next day after breakfast Armaan with Adi and Saniya go for office and Aahana go for hospital as she doesn't want to took leave this early .

At AR empire

The trio(Armaan , Aditiya and Saniya ) doing meeting .

Armaan : Saniya , I asked you the details of Rathore empire previous 10 years .

Saniya : Here it is .

After Analysis all details line by line

Adi : Brother . I am astonished to the details .

Armaan : If  you blind trust someone it will definitely happened .

Saniya : But this much . Once time they will defently bankrupt

Adi : And If all this thing go settled then Rathore will goes on 2nd position after AR empire .

Armaan : How can it's happened when all the financial was seeing by Arora . They don't at last cheak that how much profit they are getting and how much Arora are showing them .

Adi : Now what's are your next plan .

Armaan : It's sure that some one is there who stop Rathore to know the truth .

Saniya : You mean to say there is a employ who involved in this .

Adi : yes .

Saniya : Then

Armaan : we made sure that this time they can know the truth .

Saniya : How will you do it ?

Armaan : Simple , I will change their personal investigation team .

And you know Saniya what you have to do .

Saniya : your work will be done .

Other Side At Rathore empire

Arhaan and Ahaan are in a important meeting attending after finishing the meeting .

Arhaan : Ahaan what happened our investigation head . why He is not answering my call ?

Ahaan : I don't also Bhai(brother) .

Arhaan : I need him immediately and he is not answering my call .

Ahaan : I think we should hire someone else it's very important to us know about the AR deal misplaced . We don't have much time to wait for him .

Arhaan : Ok . Do one thing find another best investigation company and give the work .

Ahaan : Ok .I will .

Said that he called some to find another one .

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