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After two days Aahana got discharged from hospital . Doctor strictly asked for proper rest .

Armaan come to take her with full security arrangements as he does not want any mistake .

After coming home he take to their room and make her comfortable on bed .

Armaan : From now you will not get out of this room as per doctor instructions understand .

Aahana slowly : ok .

She also got scard after the incident . She can loss her baby now also her baby is not safe .

Their talk inrocrupt by Aruhi .

Aruhi : Don't worry Armaan bhai(brother in-law) from now I will take care sister very well and I am sorry I fail to take care of her that day .

Armaan : It's not your fault Aruhi . But whoever done this will surely know what happened when someone cross with AR . By the way where is Adi .

Aruhi : I don't know from two days he come home less .

Armaan : ok you stay with your sister . Saniya will manage office . May be me and Adi will be late .

Aruhi : ok .

After that he took leave from there and took his car and go outside .

In car Armaan phone Adi : Got to know who is it ?

Otherside Adi : I found someone you come here .

Armaan: I am coming .

Said that he speed up his car towards his destination .

At a distance area a abandoned building are seen .

Where man is beaten up badly . there are many man to guard him so that's he can't escape from there . Where Aditya also present .

Armaan entire into the room , nothing can be told seeing his face as he has blank facial expressions .

Aditya : Bhai(brother) there is a bad news he the man of that gang who shoots on bhabi . Their leader already found dead .

Armaan :is he give any a formation?

Aditya : Yes , there main target is not bhabi but Shanaya Arhaan Rathore .

Armaan :What !

Aditya : And I found before the incident Divya Arora Singh withdrawa a huge amount of money from her account .

Armaan: enough is enough now she started crossing all the limit . Now we have to take action .keep eye on her 24 hour I have to know what's her next plan .

Aditya : ok Bhai .

At Rathore empire

Arhaan and Mr Rathore discussing something very seriously.

Mr Rathore : Have you found out anything?

Arhaan: No Grandpa, there is no clue of that man ? I don't understand why someone wants to hurt Ahahaha

Mr . Rathore: It's not the important because obviously they want to kill the heir of AR empire whom Ahahaha carrying . I Just want to know who the person because I want to punish him worst way because he try to harm my granddaughter &great grandchild.
Ahahaha is my decrease friend symbol I can not save his daughter but I will do anything to keep safe his granddaughter.

Arhaan: I also want to who is the main character behind all these .
And very soon I will found out.
I just need to wait a month.


Few hours ago a phone call come from Mr Nayak.

Mr Nayak: Mr Rathore I found out something very fishy about your some close people. They are harmful but I can't say anything before I found out everything . I need one month till then keep your family safe .
I think you should increase your security.

Arhaan: One month is very much time. It's very dangerous for us .

Mr Nayak: I understand but you have to stay safe .

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