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After two days of marriage . Armaan Ahahana Adi and Aruhi started their paking for coming back .

Sara : Sons care of yourself and my daughter also . Ahahana you should took extra care . And don't took stress ok .

Ahahana : Ok . Sara maa (mother).

Sara : That's good .

Ayan : Bro After one week I will also join you .

Adi : yes you are .

Armaan : In this one week  will be their worse week of their life .

Ayan : Yes brother. Their peaceful sleep will be gone . let's go .

All four of them come back on their private jet .

After one day of their coming back .

In AR office .

Armaan is working on his cabin at that time his PA come to inform him
that Arhaan Rathore come .

Armaan : Let's him in  otherwise CM don't habit  to wait .

PA : ok sir .
Arhaan inter into the cabin .

Armaan : Hello Mr CM . How are your life going .

Arhaan : I don't understand why you and your sister-in-law always call me CM .

Armaan : become you are CM .

Arhaan :ok let's it go . I hope Anjali and Ahaan doing well in the project .

Armaan : your brother is doing but I don't know about your cousin .

Arhaan : She is new take time to adjust but she is brilliant in it .
By the way I come here to invite you .

Armaan : For what .

Arhaan : Two days later my grandparents marriage anniversary . We always celebrate it Our Rajasthan palace . So we and Grandma want you four also Join us .

Armaan : When CM oneself come to invite how can refused . We will come but we will come with you We will join  one day before the occasion .

Arhaan : That's will be ok . Then I will take leave .

And he leaves from their .

At Night AR mansion

At dinning table

Armaan : Today CM come to office and invite us for Mr and Mrs Rathore Marriage aniversity which keep on Rajasthan .

Aruhi : So we are going .

Adi : You are getting very attrach to them we can't say about future you know .

Ahahana : Don't know I dont think they involved with Arora because their behavior with us like a family .

Armaan : I hope so otherwise you two will be hurt most . And we going there .

Aruhi : Wow . I will go there first time . Our mom was brought up there .

Ahahana also become excited to go there .

Aruhi : I have to select some gift what should we give .

Adi : Take what ever you think right .

Aruhi : ok .  But what do you do about Anjali . She is doing fraud and Mr Arora also involved in that on shadow .

Armaan : After coming back we will decide .

Time skip

At Rathore  Palace

A woman of her late 70 sitting on hall sofa .
Mr and Mrs .Rathore sit beside her

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