Chapter- 31

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In Rathore mansion whey they were at AR mansion .

In a room all the things are Shatter .

A girl : mom what are you doing ? Why are you breaking things .

Woman :Than what can I do Anjali . My years plan are flopping one by one . what I do not do for my this plan but first me got loss than you also loss . Now that Avantika's daughters come nowhere came and make my life hell . first one took my position then other sent my father jail and now they together took your position .

Anjali :mom why do you get hyper ? Grandpa got bail right .

Divya : So what .  you know how many people I killed for my insult and breaking my dream . what do you think I separate that two sister . I should have kill them when they were born .

Anjali : Mom silent you know what happened if anybody heard you ? We all are finished .

Divya :  Nobody got to know because who have suspected me all are dead so don't worry . Only their ghost can told everybody about my evil work .

Anjali : mom first time  that old woman rise her voice don't forger she was the queen and A queen have ability to change the whole game plan . we don't have to face any problems from currant queen and her sister in law they are nothing harmful . But I will take my revenge from that Aruhi surely .

Divya : you are saying this to me who bold out all the queens . now my next target are that two sister people called also queen right than next queen also have to fall .

At AR mansion  after Rathore leave .

Aditiya : The Rathore are very happy today means they truly love them and its also mean they didn't know anything about their friend evil work .

Aruhi : They don't know anything about them Adi because if they know than Arora will be jail at this time .

Adi : What do you mean ?

Aruhi : After knowing about them I called Ayan told them to took information which you all didn't took that is their company history . and history said that Arora family did huge amount of fraud but they successfully cover it and according to information grandpa didn't knew about it because he never forgave backstabber may who person is .

Armaan : Its mean they cheated his own friend who disowned his own son for him .

Aruhi : Armaan Bhai why don't you found any major information about Mr . Rathore  sons

Adi : because all information are destroy by Mr Rathore and when a father himself  his son all background  how we found about it and I thing his son also destroy all his background .

Aruhi : Unbelievable family I don't know how my mom manage with them .

Adi : just like I managed with you

Aruhi : what do you mean . you mean to say I am mad .

Ahahana : stop it guys you two always fight like child . go to your room .

Aruhi stomp her foot and went away Adi also went behind her .

Never got change said Armaan and Ahahana  together .

Armaan : We have to be careful for our next steps as now they come to know about you and Aruhi .

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