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Sometimes we don't know what's happening around us With Rathore family also happening same thing,

Their enemy is In front of them, playing their cruel game in the shadow of friends, but they are not understanding.

In all these time Arhaan's private detective, Mr. Nayak working very hard other side Armaan strong security keep eyes everyone around them.

At AR mansion

Aahaha is now 7th month pregnant
After that day Ahahaha is totally on bed rest as per doctor's suggestions. And  All the members of AR mansion ensure it. Which typically made her irritated.

Aruhi : Di (sister) you should eat this soup, it's very healthy.

Aahaha fuming in anger seeing the weird taste soup.

Aahaha: Are you really my sister?

Aruhi : of course Di (sister) not only sister but also your 10 minute younger twin.

Ahahaha anger: Then why the hell are you giving me this toxic like soup?

Aruhi: because it's good for your health.

Aahaha started crying loudly: you all don't love me anymore.

Armaan who was working on the study come running towards them listening to her crying.

Armaan: What happened, are you feeling pain, I am calling doctor.

Ahahaha anger: Doctor is my foot you don't love me anymore, now I look like a balloon. That's why you want to get rid of me by giving me this toxic like soup through your sister-in-law .

It's not new for Armaan after pregnancy, Aahaha's anger always remain on pick.

Armaan: Aahaha it's nothing like that, you are unnecessary getting angry.

Ahahaha anger: now you are irritated with my anger as well . I will not stay with you anymore. You stay with your soup.

Saying this, she goes from there.

Armaan : WHAT THE HELL! Where this soup come from? And what she is meant by saying she will not stay with me?

Aruhi sympathize : Brother in-law you know now her mood suing on pick. Why you take her word seriously.

Armaan : but now I have to do something, otherwise her anger will increase and will take stress, which is not good.

Aruhi : best of luck.

Saying this, she went from there.

At Rathore mansion

Here Mrs. Rathore made Shanaya eat different types of fruit.

Shanaya: please dadisa(grandmother) I can't eat more.

Mrs Rathore: Shanaya you don't this two types of fruit it's very much healthy.

Shanaya: I can't dadisa I am already full

Without any options Mrs Rathore leave her

Mrs Rathore: Prya , daughter in-law . Any news from Aahaha 's house.

Priya : No dadisa(grandmother in-law)

Mrs Rathore: I hope she and her child stay good what doctor said I always stay in tension.

In the time Ahaan entire the hall and said don't worry  grandma in the end of the month the curprit will be punished .

Ahaan : Priya, inform Aruhi we come to meet her

Priya: ok .

At evening, At AR mansion

All Rathore member come to visit Ahana .

Saniya greet them with warm smile.

Armaan and Adi see them in expression less face.

Mrs Rathore: Ahana my child how are your health now .

Ahana: better now.

Mrs Rathore: that's good. You should more careful from now.

Ahaan: Are not you about to entire 7th month then why you looking like nine months pregnant.

Arhaan : I also think so .

That's the trigger point for Ahana .

Ahana: You! How dare you to called me fat you stupid. I will killed you.

Arhaan &Arhaan got shocked as they said it normally .

Armaan quickly take action and hug Ahana tightly to prevent her beating two Rathore brother.

Armaan:my queen it's ok , you are not fat at all , they are blind that's why they say it . Clam down . Ok.

Somehow Armaan clam down Ahana and give a dead glare to them . Waking up sleeping lioness.

And the two in mind thank to the Almighty for saving them .

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