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In the morning

Armaan is invited to a business party. the Rathore's family also invited there .

Then they went for office for important meeting . Aruhi and Ahahana do all preparation for attending the party .

In Rathore mansion

Mrs Rathore become very happy . Arhaan and Ahaan also become happy to their grandma happy after many years.but one person is not happy that was Divya .

Divya :before cerebrating you all should double check about her being Avantika daughters alive may be the documents is fake .

Arhaan :we check aunty and everything true .And we got news that they are married now so we can't track them

Divya : Married with whom

Arhaan :Aunty . From my source I got to know that They are some businessman

Divya :And you think , A reputed families son marry ophran girl

Arhaan : Aunty our sisters also not less. .

Divya : you all behave as if they are yours own sisters your uncle and father also behave like that now you two also . they also plan to marry elder son of this house with her daughter and kept her daughter always with them but see neither elder son of this house alive neither They were alive .

Mrs Rathore : Divya I am happy today don't make my mood sour . After many years I got that happiness which I never dream if anybody try to stanch this they have to face the queen mother of this throne . In previous I bear all for elas wish and for that Ioss my sons but not this time I don't let people run this house happiness .

Divya :Aunty are you blamed me for what happened .

Mrs Rathore : I don't blamed anyone . shanaya , priya come with me I have many things to prepared .

Divya : I will prepared for tonight party .

Mrs Rathore :Thats better .
Said that she went from there with Shanaya and priya .

Divya pov

I sent her far away from our life so that they only give important me and my children but they nowhere come here and started to stanch everything from me but what happened if they come to know what I do in the past . I have to do something to this Avantika 's daughters
I have to found out where they are .

On other hand in Mrs Rathore room

Mrs Rathore : My two granddaughter in law are very lucky for me I got this big happiness after you two coming in our life .

Shanaya : Grandma you love Avantika aunty very much right .

Mrs Rathore : Yes . I always wanted a daughter but I got two sons in Avantika's from I got daughter and my sons were very protective about their sister . one day she was very sensitive . That why my elder son said that in future if had son and she have daughter than they will marry them each other and kept her daughter always with them . but we got to know that her daughters die with her on childbirth and after some years my sons , daughter in laws , and elder grandson also died .

Priya : Grandma can I asked you something ?

Mrs Rathore : Child you can asked anything you don't have to scared I know what Ahaan do is not good but I am happy he do it because if he didn't than he have to marry the girl whom I don't want to become my granddaughter in law . you are perfect for my grandson now asked

Priya : What happened to bhare papa why there is clues about his wife .

Mrs Rathore : Because he married with out your grandpa wish . your grandpa give his word to Rajveer bhai sa that he will make Divya to elder daughter in law of this house my son didn't know it he went aboard for study and there he fall in love with a girl Ananaya some problems happened and he marry her but didn't informed us he thought his Father never
neglected his choice and after a year they also became parents of a son . And here after two years my second son got married first than my husband called my elder son as his study finished and he also started his own business he wanted to marry him with divya .
But he come with his wife and son all became surprised and my husband did not accept her as this clan daughter in law asked my son to divorced her and marry Divya he refused and went from here After 9 years got news all of them was died in accident and two days earlier my second son and daughter in law also died . for a promise my husband took most immature decision and I loss my all children . but not now I didn't let Divya took anything from me I never like my her for my son . I never give my love to my first grandson and now she try to brainwashed my grandson and want to separate my granddaughter from me .

Shanaya :Don't take tension everything will be alright .

Mrs Rathore :I hope so .

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