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In india Delhi .

Today is reception of Arhaan and Ahaan
And in the morning is post marrage ceremony kept .

Some ladies come to see the brides face as ritual .
On of mrs rathore distance sister in law asked babhi sa where is the bangles which you mother in law give you have to give it to your elder granddaughter in law its her right its significant that you accept her as you granddaughter in law in this clan its should have given by your daughter in law but as he no more so you should give .
Rajput family ladies look at her  they become insecure as they thought mrs rathore didn't accept their daughter .

Mrs Rathore : di I don't have the bangles I give it to Abhimanyu's wife .when she come here with their son .

But why bhai sa didn't accept her than why you give it  to her now what you give
new bride .

Mrs Rathore :  it significant that queen accept her as daughter in law or not and I gave her because I accept her as my daughter in law . and for new bride I give to her mother in laws Bangles by giving it I accept her as my granddaughter in law . Are you OK with it shanaya ?

Shanaya :  I am ok with I don't need anything for acceptance I want only blessing .

Listening this mrs Rathote  looking at priya .

Priya :I am also OK with it  we only need blessing and with this think maa's blessing we also got

All the ladies kept quite and went from there with that shanaya's family also went to see the preparation .

Mrs Rathore :  you two know , you two are just like your mother in law . simple sweet  kind and understanding  . she was my younger daughter in law though she come first in this house and my elder daughter in law was different she was confident  , kind and supportive towards her husband she didn't support injustice but she  have all quality to become queen and mother of king but for a promise my husband didn't accepted her and my grandson .if he accept her my be today  they all alive . in few hours she prove her quality that why I accept her as my daughter in law
Now you are queen I hope you become true queen beside your husband .
Take rest you two in reception  you will not be tried .

Other side Armaan Ahahana Aditiya Aruhi and Saniya take off for india on their own private jet


In evening reception function took place the political business and many VIP guest attended function media also come for function  .

Arhaan and Ahaan introduced their wife with their friend .

Some businessman : mr Rathore  you took retire but Arhaan can managed  and now AR coming in india  and the king of business is unbeatable  tomorrow is going to announced which company is top place  and  AR never get 2nd he always top .

I don't know what's his problem he behave as if he come to beat our company  said Rajveer

One businessman :  he is not behave Raj he only gets what he want if its properly or non properly and nobody have power to stop him .

Mr Rathore : may be he is but he never get competitor like Abinash Rathore  who never loss in any way .

Businessman :  Abinash you was king but AR where he go he become there king .

Arhaan : He is king on his own land  but its our land and a outsider never get our property .

Other businessman : He may be born other country but his blood is from here

Ahaan :what do you mean ? He is indian

Person :yes Prince his presents is Indian
Everyone see him on his reception he will come here with his family .

Arhaan :let see him what he can do ? He have multiple business and started at a time here also how can he manage alone as I heard he didn't trust anybody

Person : he didn't but its not for his family his brother is his right and left hand  now the hospital which you sold they bought its management is not conform now .

Than  they all went away 

Rajveer ; Abinash  he think he is the king but now its time to help him open his eyes why don't we bought his some people for and get to know his next target . we can't befell him proper way so we have to do it other way .

Mr Rathore : you are right but first we see what he do after coming here .
Now celebrate the function .

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