Chapter - 27

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In morning Rathore mansion

All men and women are tension for tomorrow incident .
men are discussing how to agree AR to not took strict action and not to involved Rathore's in this matter . Ladies are also in tension as all their husband's in bad mood .

Ahaan :Grandpa , Bhai I also go with you .

mr Rathore : why ?what do you want now . For your and Raj stupidity  The Abinash Rathore now going to request someone .

Ahaan :Sorry Grandpa but they don't know that I also involved and if I go I will making them understand and help bhai .

Mr Rathore : OK but don't speak when its don't need . I don't thinks without anything exchange a businessman never does that .

Arhaan : now lets go . We make them understand .

And they went for AR empire .

In AR mansion .

Why are you two taking tension said a annoying Saniya .

Ahahana : I don't know . I am getting scared what they try to harm us after knowing the truth and what if  mrs divya come to that who Armaan and Adi are and try to harm them

Armaan : Ahahana she cannot lie a finger to us and harm is big deal and They only know who you two are not about me and Adi because as far mrs Divya's information you two are alive but she think we all are death with our parents .

Aruhi :yes di just chill . Today also we got entertainment when they got shocked .

Ahahana : I am getting tense and you are looking for entertainment . What if they are involved on that incident

Adi : Bhabi you also find entertainment from it so just chill and mange the hospital

Now all of you bay  said that they went for office .

In AR empire

All the Rathore are called in Armaan office room Adi also present with him .

Armaan :Hello Mr Rathore  What must have happened that the CM have to come to my office ( in mock tone) 

Arhaan :  What can i do Mr Rathore when matter went out of hand cm have to go anywhere .

Mr Rathore :  Mr.Armaan I come to the main point that I know tomorrow what happened is not good but the Rathore empire is not involved in this matter .

Armaan : mr rathore  your partner or I say best friend involved in this matter directly so basically people  suspect towards your company and matter went to legal hand and now he have to face more legal problem .

What do you mean asked Arhaan

Armaan :  Mr Rathore you want your reputation clear and we want you handover the the which is illegally kept by your friend Rajveer Arora which actually someone else .

Mr Rathore : which illegal  things he keep .

Armaan : mr prethvi and mrs Avantika Oberoi 's all property and business .

Mr Rathore : what . what are you saying mr Armaan . Avantika is like my daughter and she have no heir so after her death if all property  remain to us than what illegal in this .

Adi : mr Rathore I agree mrs oberoi is like your daughter but with mr Arora she have no relation so why the property with him and secondly in oberoi's will all their property belongs to their children but if they have no heir then their the property goes to trustee . then why the property with him .

Mr Rathore : Mr Aditiya  the property means house and business are last symbol of them to we didn't want to hand over them to trustees so Rajveer just take care them . so you want us to handover it to trustee .

Aditiya : No Mr Rathore we want you to give it to the actual heir of oberoi's which are their daughters .

Ahaan : Are you kidding mr Aditiya . Avantika aunty's daughters died with her on childbirth .

Adi :Are you saw them death on your own eyes mr Rathore 

Arhaan made Ahaan shut by saying what do you want to say mr Rathore .

Armaan : He want to say this mr Rathore that They are alive and fully fit and fine . And is every details of their being alive the doctor and nurse tell lie and made them steal and other country .

After reading the file mr. Rathore how dare they ? Where are they now mr Armaan .

Armaan :Don't worry they are fine and safe nobody can harm them

Arhaan :What do You mean if you know where are they please tell otherwise we have our source .

Armaan :  Mr. Rathore  I don't keep any obligations to answer your question and as far as your source they are good for nothing .

Arhaan : Mr Armaan ,  You don't know us properly if you know you didn't cross your limit .

Armaan : And you also don't know me , Mr Rathore .

Mr Rathore : Arhaan come down . We will find them , we don't need their help .

Armaan : its up to you but now they want their property and you all get the the legal notice very soon through lawyer .And about Mr Arora  I can't say anything about him

Arhaan :  You are very harmful for yourself

Said that they went away .

Armaan : let's see who is harmful for whom .


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