Chapter 6

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In Rathore mansion .

Everyone become shocked after mr .Rathore announcement including the servant as he agree to the marriage easily and its 8 Wonder of the world
for the people who know the history of
Rathore .

Arhaan and Mrs .Rathore think to keep quite .
After sometimes a car enter the premises of Rathore mansion and it is Ahaan car .Mrs Rathore welcome them fully traditionally.
After that mr rathore called his two grandson in study room and they went with them .
They to the study room behind him and mrs rathore take priya with her .

In study room

I am sorry grandpa. I take this decision without asking you but it necessary to teach them a lesson . They try to harm our reputation spreading rubbish about bhai . Now they have to support us for their daughter said Ahaan

You do very well like a politician well done . you made your enemy to your support . but be careful said mr Rathore .

Thanked you grandpa . No one stopped us now election result and business
two will be in our control said Ahaan

You are right if brother like you support Arhaan no one can stop him from getting is goal No one support his brother like you did said mr Rathore and went away .

After coming from study Ahaan went to his room and saw priya there and without saying anything went to washroom for change . After coming he order more than asked change and sleep and went to the bed and sleep .priya without know what to do followed his order.

Without knowing what coming for future

After months election result day all were in party office.

Everyone is congratulate Arhaan as the result come as expected he won election. Mr .Rathore is very happy .They do press conference and announced the
Wedding and reception day of Arhaan and Ahaan as he want to made Ahaan marriage traditional way .Everything goes well .As they think no one can default them .

In Rathore mansion everyone is busy as wedding preparation going on after so many years .They have many things to do .They make function list and guest list the wedding date fixed after 6 month but being a royal wedding their time is very short .

They do all preparation for business Margate and now Rathore groups & co. will become Asian number 1 .

But is everything happened what people thought . Nobody no what written in their destiny and where it get connected and here also happened that because somewhere someone was waiting to entered their life like a Strom to made their connected journey .

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