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In Rathore mansion

After returning from AR mansion all the member went to their respective room

In Arhaan room

Arhaan : After many years I see this much happy to my family .

Shanaya : I can see that grandma was the most happy .

Arhaan : yes . Prithivi uncle and Avantika aunty's death is the first tragic on our family after that maa papa then bhare papa and bhari maa . we are very little that time but after that we never got this much happy .

Shanaya  :  Yes . Ahahana and Aruhi are are also very sweets .  Aruhi and Priya also become friend .

Arhaan :you know when we got to know aunty having girls we are excited as we will get  baby sisters  and papa also thought that the promise which bhare papa did will come true and everything got alright but but after uncle death aunty went depression and it make complicated . and after that you know what happened .

Shanaya : Now be happy and see everything got alright as previous which you want .

Arhaan : I wish your word come true . shanaya .

In Mr Rathore room .

Mrs Rathore : what are you thinking this deeply .

Mr Rathore : I never thought that I got  my granddaughters but is they are good for them .

Mrs Rathore : what do you mean ? now what fault are you found in them .

Mr .Rathore : They have no fault .  if we agree or not but they are one of the richest businessmen in the world  in compare of them we nothing we only rule Asian business but they have all over the world and too in this young age and in USA marriage and divorce is nothing big issue I am tense for granddaughter .

Mrs Rathore : I am dreaming or what the great Abinash Rathore who didn't fear for anything and most egoist arrogant man is fear for his granddaughters future safety . I must say they are something who made king of Rajasthan in tension 

Mr Rathore : I am telling my tension and you started something else .

Mrs Rathore : What can I do I get seeing your this version every time and stop your thought you started thinking very fast which is not good for health now sleep and if they can spare you stupid grandson after knowing  his work for their wife than they truly love them when they didn't left Rajveer bhai .

Mr Rathore : what they know ?

Mrs Rathore : yes  . now sleep

Mr Rathore went to sleep took mental note take class of Ahaan .

In Ahaan room .

Ahaan : I heard you and Aruhi became friend .

Priya : Yes . she offered me and I accept it .

Ahaan : how she is  in nature .

Priya : she is sweets and very talkative when she started speaking she didn't think anything .

Ahaan : my sisters are very innocent but as I heard everybody called their husband as devil .

Priya : in her talk she seem very happy .

Ahaan : Really . I hope they managed everything we . if  elders come to fulfill than we don't have to tension about them .

Priya : may its their destiny .

Ahaan : you are right .
Ahaan  said happily . And priya also become happy as her husband first time talk to her normally .

Next day ...............

All Rathore member take breakfast and chitchat .

Mr . Rathore : what about the work I give you .

Arhaan : you will got the news after sometimes .

Mr .Rathore : What about Raj cases .

Arhaan : Grandpa the employed who got caught was Arora company's manager so police went there for inquiry so they did action with only Arora company .
And cannot do anything because the full idea was raj grandpa and Ahaan only suggests that to buy Aruhi . so I can't do anything .

Mr Rathore : its ok .I will talk to commissioner. And Ahaan be careful l don't want anything like this next time

Ahaan :ok grandpa

Mrs Rathore : where is Divya and Anjali

Servant : queen mother she went to her home .

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