Chapter -5

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After someday of engagement

After engagement function everything went smoothly. They are prepared for election and businesses .And after business deal they are now become talk of the country .after some month election will be held and Arhaan officially become CM as he is most popular among youth for his kind nature . and in this time Arhaan and sanaya's relationship also going well as they talk each other in phone although their talk as simple greetings and family's wellbeings but it go well for relation

Sanaya pov

After engagement Arhaan and me talk each other through phone .
And I come to know he is very kind nature and good person .
One thing I notice he is very protective and caring for his family .His calmness is not remain clam is anyone harm his family especially with his grandpa reputation . And now I am happy with this relation .After election our marriage will be held and date also got fixed . I will try my best for this relationship .

End of pov )

In Rathore mansion

Everything goes well but an unexpected
news made everyone hell shock and angry mood .
Arhaan : how dear they ? How they published such rubbish ?

Mr .Rathore : They dear to thrash our reputation .Find out who did the dear ?

Ahaan : don't worry grandpa in 24 hours I find out and made everything clear they dear to defamed my brother now I made them fall their own grave .

Ahaan don't do any foolishness in anger said Arhaan .

Let him do Arhaan let people see who rathores are .go ahaan handle them said mr rathore .

Ahaan made a call and said I want every information and went away .

I will talk to mr rajput said mr rathore
OK .said Arhaan.

Here in party office
A man come with a file and keep on the table and said boss we got all information

Vivan suriyabashi now you Will got into your own grave .kidnapped his daughter
Said Ahaan

Boss are you sure said the man

100% said ahaan

After sometime few men adduct a girl from car took to a place.

The girl : who are you and why are you take me here?

Well .it not my fault that you are here it's your father bad works .he took the business rivalry into personal rivalry so I also take revange in personal way by marrying you . And you are here to married me ms . priya suyriavanshi

What no I would not marry you never said priya

Ok so get ready to see your father in jail
Said Ahaaan

What why papa go to jail said priya

Because I will destroy his business and he will come into road the people who investment their money come to take it when the can not get they sent your father jail so decision is yours
Take 15 minute I don't have all day said this Ahaan went from there .

Ahaan come from the room and said his made ready everything as he know the answer .

In the room priya become helpless she can not do anything . Finding no other choice she agree for marriage .

Ahaan made everything ready marry her forcefully . in her life priya never though
to marry like this .

After complete every marriage ruler
he made the marriage legal way by registered it .

Then he phone her father and said hello mr suriyavanshi what do you think that you made my brother image defamed by spreading news he had affair with some girl and now I will take back our reputation by married your daughter and said the media that I and your daughter had affairs and now we are married in privately and it got misunderstood among media . how is it now if you do anything remember your daughter is with me .

How dear you .why you involved my daughter in this said mr vavan

Tit for tat father in law good bye

Now let's go Mrs Rathore we have to interview to the media

As per plan Ahaan tell media hid cooked story go towards Rathore mansion

In rathore mansion

After hearing news everyone got shocked after some time mr rathore said pravha made arrangement to welcome the Bride.

Priya suriyavanshi

A college going 24 years old girl

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A college going 24 years old girl .
A introvert and reserve type and kind hearted girl always help other .


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