Chapter- 3

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In Rathore mansion.

Everybody sat on the hall .All family member present there .

Mr. Rathole :prabha started preparation for your elder grandson engagement .

Mrs.Rathore : but ji with whom and when ?

Mr . Rathore : one and only granddaughter of Mr .Rajput and they informed the date of engagement evening. So prepared everything.

Mrs Rathore :ok

After that mr rathore went from there .

Mrs Rathore: Arhaan are you happy with this proposal .I mean you have not see the girl and ...

Arhaan : Grandma its necessary for the deal and you know I never disobey grandpa . and arranged marriage is not big deal for Rathore .

Mrs rathore :As you say .

Ahaan : And Grandma bhai never say no to your arrogant husband and became arrogant just like.

Arhaan: say who the one whom people called duplicate of Abinsh Rathore . I have doubt in the whole world there is no one this much arrogant like grandpa.

Mrs Rathore : How can someone become because he have to face three arrogant at a time and you and arrogant flow in yours blood no body compared that .now let's go I have to prepare for welcoming my granddaughter in law .

ln rajput mansion

In hall room every rajput members gather there as per Mr .rajput order .

Mr Rajput : I called all of to informed that
I decide about Sanaya's marriage and engagement happened with in three months and the boy is Arhaan Rathore . I called the pandit for deciding good date

Pandit: may I come in ?

Mr Rajput :Yes yes come we are waiting for hope you will find a date in 3 month

Pandit : yes after two week a good date for engagement and after ten month a date is good for marriage .

Mr Rathore : well its good .we should informed it to the Rathore and everyone start the preparation.

Everybody went from there and mr rajput informed rathore about the date and they agreed.

In a room a girl is setting beside the window than a lady come in the room and called sanaya

Sanaya :come maa

S .mom :I am sorry daughter I can't do anything you know in this house every decision take your Grandpa and nobody
disagree with it . And if you get married to rathore your in laws house also do the same and I can't do anything.

Sanaya : maa don't cry it's my fate and in beginning I know it happened one day so don't worry about me . I will try my best in this marriage .

S maa :I hope you will get all your happiness.

Sanaya Rajput

Only granddaughter of rajput

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Only granddaughter of rajput .A very kind hearted girl and pure soul . very obedient
Competed MBA in management. All her life decision take by her grandfather and accept  it without arguing .

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